, The Healing Mystery of Sounding Bowls, (Tree, Star, and the Heart's Song), Tobias Kaye, Moulton, Northampton. NN3 7RQ, 11 Dec 2011
Hosted by Debroah Grantham, the internationally known psychic and medium this workshop will touch on areas in which Sounding Bowls can open ears and eyes to the continual presen of spirit in our lives.
The Healing Power of the stringed, wooden European Sounding Bowl is quite different to that of the Tibetan bronze Singing Bowls or the Californian glass bowls. The strings on a wooden Sounding Bowl are inside, leading people into deep places. Choosing tones, plucking strings, playing sounds, even music awaken something within that according to healers and therapists opens peoples hearts in quite a unique way.
Unravelling this mystery is not going to happen in a day, but a profound experience such as is typically had on these workshops is likely to lead you in the direction of contacting some answers to relationships such as beauty and healing, circle and straight line, inner creativity and heart opening forgiveness.
A large number of Sounding Bowls will be available on this workshop for all to play.
A unique chance to experience the different types, to hear the sounds of different woods and to feel into the imagery of the string patterns. We will be doing meditations with Tree energy, also with sounds, intervals and note sequences.
Through group movement exercises we will explore the flow of creation through the upright pole (as in trees and the human form) as well as in the horizontal dimension, (time and social interaction.) these can really help to understand the flow of being an individual human “I” as well as balancing that within the social context.
Opening the heart through the sounds of Sounding Bowls and equipping your self for new directions new strengths of allowing the Flow of Love through your life are typical outcomes of this work.
Sounding Bowls will be available for sale on the day.