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Event Details

Tobias Kaye

Posted:Tobias Kaye

, from Tree and Star to the Song of the Heart, Tobias Kaye, Lupton House, Brixham, Devon, 21 May 2011, Tobias Kaye, Hawkwood College, Stroud, Glos, 15 May 2011

A day of moving into Sound and inner healing with Sounding Bowls. Working on four levels discover how and maybe even why these resonant beauties open people’s hearts where ever they go. Learn more about the sounds of different woods and how meditating with trees can steady and ground your daily life. Discover the interplay of cosmic principles and their effects in your own heart and life. Learn to meditate to a sound and learn special note-sequences and intervals that deepen and grow our power to be here now in this, your life.

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