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Shaina Noll - You Can Relax Now

Product Code: CD1376
List Price: £14.29
Our Price: £5.00
Save: £9.29

Track Listing

1. Angels Watching Over Me

2. Be Still And Know/Sunrise Is Here

3. You Can Relax Now

4. Each Holy Child

5. The Power Of Letting Go

6. The Tree

7. All Is Well

8. Silent Night/Each Holy Child Reprise

9. Dream
You Can Relax Now offers nine songs to soothe, inspire and uplift the listener. Some tell a story, some weave a chant, some offer a new look at familiar spiritual concepts. Each song, in its own way, affirms the presence of the Divine in all things. The collection includes: "Each Holy Child" and other new songs by Shaina, a revisiting of "You Can Relax Now" which was first recorded for her "Songs For The Inner Child", "All Is Well", and innovative interpretations of "Silent Night" and "Angels Watching Over Me". Shaina’s distinctive vocals are backed up by her own work on piano and keyboards, lush harmonies, guitar, cello and recorder.

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