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Kelly Howell - Unfold Your Potential - 3 CDs

Product Code: CD1505
Price: £20.42
  • Enhance your attracting force
  • Increase synchronicity
  • Accelerate manifestation

Do you ever have the feeling that your life isn’t as satisfying as it could be? Do you have long-held hopes and dreams that have not been fulfilled? No matter how far away you think you are from enjoying a satisfying life, the change you long for can happen in the blink of an eye. And the best time to start is right now.

Each and every day you create your life from your inner state of being. The thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, and the beliefs you hold generate a field of energy from which you act and attract. The problem is that we’re often attracting and acting from states of lack, limitation, fear or doubt. And so, our results in life aren’t anywhere near as satisfying as they could be.

This 3-CD collection is a complete program designed to help you Unfold Your Potential. It draws upon 20 years of research into the science of manifestation. Each CD offers a guided meditation on Track 1. Track 2 has music and Theta Waves only, allowing you to practice the meditations at your own pace.  As negative thoughts are swept away by insight and inspiration, you align with the divine ordering principle of the universe. Your life will change as what you need and want begins to appear in your life. 


Prayer is real. It’s a living energy that can transform your life and those around you. In Living Prayer, Theta waves are harmonically layered in exquisite music that guides you into the reverent states of meditation where prayers are heard and answered. Entering your own sacred healing sanctuary, you are guided to heal the past, release negativity, and open to a new, positive reality that will generate grace and blessings in your daily life. Your heart will open to greater joy that will touch everyone around you. Best of all, you’ll come to know that you’re never alone – you’re guided and protected always.

Retrieve Your Destiny encourages you to reach deep inside your heart to discover the purest, deepest intentions for your life. You are guided to envision and embody the future of your dreams, and to generate nourishing states of being that bring new ideas, opportunities and possibilities into your life. These are vibrant states that increase your attracting force and erase thoughts of lack or limitation.

Fulfill Your Heart's Desire you are guided to explore and discover your heart’s deepest needs and desires. This helps you gain clarity of intention and focus. Next, you are guided to imagine those desires being fulfilled. Each time you listen it will become easier for you to generate feelings of absolute and total fulfillment. You’ll be able to “trick” your mind and body into feeling as though what you desire has already happened. As you embrace your heart’s desire and embody feelings of joy, you’ll generate a force field of positive energy that attracts the very things you long for.

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