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Fabien Maman
from: Fabien Maman
Category: Sound Healing

The ART of Sound Healing by Terres Unsoeld and Fabien Maman

The Art of Sound Healing

"Sound Healing is Silence and sound dancing together in space..."

Fabien Maman 

an excerpt from from Let there be Silence by Terres Unsoeld and Fabien Maman:

Sound healing should be an artistic synthesis of beauty, harmony and

inspiration. Sound healing is an expression of love. The soul must be

nourished and given hope for the body to heal.

The art of sound healing is to create a Sacred Space of Silence, so that

the resonance between the higher self and the body can be heard. This

resonance initiates recognition, understanding, knowledge, restoration,

re-centering and finally self healing.

The key word is resonance.

Love, music and nature offer the most sublime and uplifting possibilities

of resonance. When this resonance is blocked we suffer; we are out of

balance with the higher aspects of ourselves.

The power of acoustic sound healing rests in the overtones.

Because of the property of anti-matter in an overtone, a delicate

weightless quality is brought to our own vibration. We feel light as an


This is what acoustic sound healing can offer. People feel more Light.

As Schopenhauer has said, “Music seems to whisper in our ear, ‘Listen

to me, I can transform you.’ ”

Click here for more information about our book, LET THERE BE SILENCE

Terres Unsoeld will be teaching FABIEN MAMAN'S TUNING FORKS AND COLOR LIGHT on THE MUSICAL SPINE in GLOUCESTER March 23-25. For more information please contact

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