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Event Details



UK, GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Introducing Sounding Bowls, Tobias Kaye, Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire. GL6 7QW, 29 Mar 2015

Tobias Kaye will lead a one-day intensive and participatory workshop on Sounding Bowls. This day will help to take owners of Sounding Bowls a step forward, as well as making Sounding Bowls accessible and engaging for beginners. It will give you an intimate experience of the astonishing quality of the sound and the profound affects that this sound can have on the listener. There will be lots of Sounding Bowls for you to see, hear, hold and play. Suitable for therapists, counsellors, musicians or anyone interested in sound and sound healing.

£70 including delicious two course lunch and refreshments

Registration 9.00-9.30am; course ends 5.00pm

Tobias Kaye is the original developer of Sounding Bowls and still the sole maker worldwide

“ Tobias clearly has a great depth of understanding and conveys this in an inspiring manner.”

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