Australia, Frequency Healing Group, Narayana, The Old Schoolhouse, 494 Eel Creek Rd, Pie Creek, 22 Oct 2024
Come along and meet with like minded souls for regular sound and colour healing, tuition and sharing information about how frequency healing is especially powerful and relevant to the times.
LEARN: we start off by learning something interesting about sound or colour vibrations.
HEAL: Narayana will then soothe and heal you with drum, voice, coloured light, singing bowl or shamanic energy sounds.
VOCALISE: Learn how to use your voice as a healing instrument and experience the transformative energy of group toning in this shared vocal toning group.
Rebalance and raise your vibration in this amazing Old Schoohouse filled with good vibes too!
Stay for a cup of tea and a chat afterwards if you like.
The Old Schoolhouse is operating as a not for profit wellness centre.
- Category :
Sound Healing
- Start Date :
- End Date :
- Facilitator :
- Time :
- Address :
The Old Schoolhouse, 494 Eel Creek Rd, Pie Creek
- Contact Name :
- Contact Email :
[email protected]
- Contact Phone :
- Pricing Details :
$20 donation
- Website :
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