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Chloë Goodchild
Founder of The Naked Voice, Chloë studied music and education at Cambridge and Norwich universities (1971 – 76). She has travelled worldwide, exploring a wide perspective on voice and sound, in search of “an embodied compassionate singing”. Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë's fascination with inner sound and the singing voice as the most intimate vehicle for spirit, unhindered by the limitations of social conditioning.
Chloë founded The Naked Voice after a transformative experience in Northern India. Her autobiography, ‘The Naked Voice – Journey to the Spirit of Sound’, currently out of print, tells her story. The remarkable range and depth of Chloë's singing is powerfully demonstrated in her albums 'Devi', Grammy-nominated 'Sura' and 'Fierce Wisdom', and her latest CD of collected works, 'Thousand Ways of Light'.

She has recorded and performed with Coleman Barks, poet-translator of The Essential Rumi; Angelo Badalamenti, “Hollywood's hottest film composer”; Byzantine composer John Tavener; Eve Ensler of The Vagina Monologues; film director Jane Campion (The Piano, Holy Smoke); Discovery Channel; the BBC and with leading jazz and pop musicians. Chloe has recently released 'Your Naked Voice', a 3 CD introduction to The Naked Voice and this has now been followed in October 2007 by 'Awakening Through Sound'. This 5 CD and DVD release on the Sounds True label will make The Naked Voice work widely available to people all over the world in a home learning format.
Chloë Goodchild

is associated with the following Groups (e.g. institutions, schools, bands, societies etc.)

Transformational Sound Therapy Summit

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Find Your Voice - Free Your Soul

Calling all UK singers, music medicine healers, lovers of sound in the Stroud, Nailsworth and surrounding areas! read more

Sound Wisdom Retreat

Join Chloe Goodchild for an in-depth retreat, 1-5 June 2022 read more

Living Presence - A Community of Sound

We invite you to co-create this sonorous, pioneering, collaborative, deep listening field: Living Presence – A Community of Sound. read more

Latest VOCE Dialogues podcast with Jonathan & Andi Goldman

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with sound healers, teachers & authors, Jonathan & Andi Goldman, discussing compassion, embodiment, love, sound, humming, intention, and much more. read more

New Online Course with Chloe Goodchild

Your Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum: Shifting into a New Octave of Consciousness Through Voice & Sound read more

New Website:

I am delighted to celebrate this new creative cycle of my life with a new website, highlighting and celebrating my musical life across the last three decades; as well as opening the door wider on the transforming power of sound to generate, re-awaken and restore compassion on planet Earth in the 21st century. read more

The Naked Voice Is Published!

&ldquoChlo&euml Goodchild has written a book that is a major contribution to our understanding of the power of sound and music. - Barbara J. Crowe The Naked Voice - Transform Your Life through the Po read more


DEAR FRIENDS, I want to tell you about my NEW BOOK: THE NAKED VOICE - Transform your Life Through the Power of Sound. It will be published by North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, in May 2015 read more


Find Your Voice - Transform Your Life In this time of global transformation, many of us who are living in relative safety may feel that we are powerless to respond to the prevailing chaos and shockin read more

Awakening Your Soul Song

Your authentic singing voice is the muscle and messenger of your soul. As unique as your fingerprint and DNA, your soul has a melody, a rhythm and a resonance this is uniquely yours too. You are the o read more

Voicelines with Chloe Goodchild

Are you ready to find your authentic voice? To really sound yourself, speak your truth, listen deep and hear yourself without judging? Are you ready to express yourself without resisting in ways you n read more

August Bank Holiday Residential 2012

The Singing Field Experience offers a wonderful weekend residential with Chloe in North Wales in a dramatic location (24-26 August). A Singing Field is a place where individuals and groups can gather read more

Celebrating Don G. Campbell’s Life (1947 – 2012) An Obituary

Don G. Campbell of Boulder, Colorado, an authority on the transformative power of music, classical pianist and organist, author of 23 books, beloved friend and teacher of thousands worldwide, passe read more

Dear Friends of Don Campbell everywhere ...

This message is to let you know that our beloved Don - who has patiently, light-heartedly, and graciously navigated the physical challenges of his pancreative cancer over these last four months - is read more

Healing Sound and Prayers for Don Campbell

Dear Friends of the Sound Forum at Sound Travels This is to let you know that Don Campbell, one of our beloved grandfathers in the Sound Healing realm, has advanced cancer and may have a few weeks m read more

Two Events with Chloe Goodchild


Healing for Don Campbell

Dearest friends and students of Don Campbell, I am writing to let you know (just in case you havent heard already) that our beloved friend and sound healer, Don Campbell, is presently very challeng read more

Sound Evolution

Sound Evolution - Our New Website - 11 - 11 - 11 Hello from Chloe Goodchild This Autumn season heralds a transition for The Naked Voice to a new cycle of life. We are presently in the fin read more

Sound Evolution

Sound Evolution - Our New Website This Autumn season heralds a transition for The Naked Voice to a new cycle of life. We are presently in the final stages of creating our forthcoming website to be cal read more

Can you sing your way out of the festive blues? How therapists are using the power of song to cure depression

Chloe Goodchild is interviewed by Flik Everett of the UKs Daily Mail. For thousands of reality-show hopefuls, singing is the only path to fame and fortune. For most of us, musical expression is read more

The Singing Fields of London: A One Year Choral Training - Spring 2011-2012

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver Visualise the following: A unique meeting place, a sanctuary of stillness, sound &amp song in the heart of London. Everyone read more


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DUBLIN - Singing Field with Chloe Goodchild

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GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Listening Field with Chloe Goodchild & Rebecca Nash

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GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Free Your True Voice Workshops with Chloe Goodchild

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GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Listening Field with Chloe Goodchild & Rebecca Nash

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