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Chloë Goodchild
Category: Voicework

'The Naked Voice' Is Published!

“Chloë Goodchild has written a book that is a major contribution to our understanding of the power of sound and music." - Barbara J. Crowe

The Naked Voice - Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound
has now been published by North Atlantic Books and is available to buy.

Over the next few months, I will be celebrating the book's arrival, at Naked Voice Workshop and Retreat 'launches' in Dublin (Ireland), Edinburgh (Scotland), Birmingham and Stroud (Gloucestershire). Come and join me and get your signed copy!

I thank you - each and everyone - for the many ways in which you, and your voices have engaged, expressed, responded, collaborated, or simply witnessed and supported me in the forging of this pioneering voice and sound work in the world over the last 30 years. This book is inspired by YOU and the thousands of individuals, facilitators and groups who have participated in its practices and evolution.

Book Synopsis:
Both science and spirituality agree that every particle of matter, every phenomenon we experience, is a form of resonance or vibration. The human voice is quite literally a mouthpiece of this truth; there is no form of expression more personal, more tied to our identities, than our voices. With simple inspirational exercises, readers are given the tools to guide them in a process of sound healing and soul communication that is guaranteed to open the heart and restore forgiveness, compassion, and interconnectedness between individuals and in their communities. 

At the heart of every human journey exists the longing to feel at home in one's self and in the world. In a unique response to meet this longing, I invite you on a compelling adventure of self-discovery and creative fulfillment through a direct experience of your own authentic voice--the voice of your personal authority, the song of your soul. Going beyond traditional vocal training guides, this book will appeal to anyone wishing to encounter themselves at a primal level through the medium of the voice.

Buy from The Naked Voice website here.


“Chloë Goodchild is one of the foremost proponents of the voice as a therapeutic instrument for healing spirit, mind and body. In The Naked Voice she shows herself to be an inspirational teacher who projects her commitment and enthusiasm to opening up hearts and minds through the vibration of our voice. She captures the readers’ imagination, showing us that there is no one who cannot open up their voices to transform their lives. The Naked Voice will stand alongside those books that have become classics in the field of voice education and sound healing such as the late Don Campbell (The Mozart Effect and Healing at the Speed of Sound) who would be singing its praises.”
James D’Angelo, PhD, founder of therapeutic vocal sound program Soundspirit and the author of The Healing Power of the Human Voice

“Chloë Goodchild has written a book that is a major contribution to our understanding of the power of sound and music. From her personal experiences as a singer to the many decades she has worked to empower people through their voices, she has discovered the deep truths inherent in coming into our true, authentic voice and nurturing our souls. This book is a must-read for sound healers, music therapists, physicians, and therapists. It is an astonishing accomplishment.”
Barbara J. Crowe, board-certified music therapist, Arizona State University director of music therapy, and author of Music and Soulmaking: Toward a New Theory of Music Therapy

“Chloë Goodchild lives and breathes song. Her lifework, articulated in her inspirational and practical book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound, is a gentle, disarming and convincing call to all souls ready to return to the authentic power and beauty of their natural voice.”
Michael Stillwater, founder of Inner Harmony and Song Without Borders

“Even the most solid of material objects is ultimately a dance of constantly changing energy patterns. Ultimately it is all rhythm, all music, the world is sound—Nada Brahma —as the classical Sanskrit philosophers put it. Chloe Goodchild's  magnificent book gives us keys to this  universe we contain within our own voices. If practiced, the reader  will know an inner and outer transformation that is both miraculous and true.”
Jean Houston, PhD, author of The Wizard of Us

"Chloe Goodchild is a rare jewel whose very presence lifts the hearts and minds of those she meets.  Her authentic wisdom and being shines through her work, with rich insight and practical applications.  Through her teachings in The Naked Voice, one’s true voice will rise, bringing an unexpected sense of depth, wellness, and richness to one’s life."
Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, director of the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies and director of education, the International Sound Healing Network

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