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Andrew Hodges

Andrew Hodges is a free-lance musician and teacher, with world-wide experience in group facilitation.  He is currently researching intuitive group improvisation in non-musical situations.   Andrew trained as a violinist at the Royal Academy of Music.  His professional career has been wide and various including having been Head of Music in a central London school,  global sales manager for an international corporate, world-wide sales skills trainer, Managing Director of his own business coaching company and partner in a personal development company.

He currently works as a free-lance musician based in the Gloucestershire area where he is actively involved in a variety of musical activities including violin tuition, composition and arranging, facilitating group music improvisation workshops for schools and colleges, delivering business leadership programmes which employ the medium of music improvisation.

Andrew Hodges

is associated with the following Groups (e.g. institutions, schools, bands, societies etc.)

Yoga on Sound Forum

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This Author's Testimonials

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 By:

From: Sue Chance I’ve known Jan and Andrew for several years through yoga classes and courses, and have received much warm and loving support from them as I recovered from life’s difficulties and several episodes of depression. Changing the Light bulb was a particularly stimulating course which helped me enormously, and I was looking forward to more of the same on the Polishing the Lens retreat. I wasn’t disappointed. Daily mindfulness meditations, philosophical discussions, visualisations, karma yoga, periods of blissful silence, wonderfully relaxing surroundings and a lovely group of like-minded people, all contributed to what I feel was a life changing experience for me. It was great fun, tiring, thought-provoking, confusing, relaxing, even irritating at times. Was it Dorothy Parker who said “she runs the gamut of emotions from A to B”? Well, I felt like I’d run from A to Z and back around again for another go. Suddenly, overwhelmingly, during one visualisation session I “got it” and the root cause of so many of the difficulties I’d been experiencing was powerfully revealed. Clarity, self-awareness, release, a lens that’s a bit battered and chipped but well and truly polished. I still feel refreshed, calmer, clearer than I’ve been for years. I learned a lot about myself and others. And life still isn’t perfect but I feel that I can deal with it much better and I’m sure that will continue. I feel a sense of deep peace and quiet purpose. I am so glad I went on this retreat.

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 By:

Miss Gordon: Polishing the Lens gives you the necessary time and support for your own personal development. The course notes are useful and the pace of the retreat is just right with plenty of time to practice yoga, swim and relax in the hot tub alongside the personal development work. Le Cotil is situated in a place of natural beauty and I would definitely recommend the course to anyone looking to reach their full potential.

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 By:

"Thank you for a truly inspirational course, great content and beautifully delivered. You are a good team! I definitely would like to do more with you both. I like your style, I feel supported and also feel there is more I can learn from you both" "I am enjoying for the first time feeling whole again" "I am extremely grateful to Jan and Andrew for sharing their knowledge with us. I learnt a lot about myself, about how I teach, and what can be done to make it better. Having been able to pick the accessible fruits from this tree I am hungry for more."

31 Aug 2011

From: Sue Chance I’ve known Jan and Andrew for several years through yoga classes and courses, and have received much warm and loving support from them as I recovered from life’s difficulties and several episodes of depression. Changing the Light bulb was a particularly stimulating course which helped me enormously, and I was looking forward to more of the same on the Polishing the Lens retreat. I wasn’t disappointed. Daily mindfulness meditations, philosophical discussions, visualisations, karma yoga, periods of blissful silence, wonderfully relaxing surroundings and a lovely group of like-minded people, all contributed to what I feel was a life changing experience for me. It was great fun, tiring, thought-provoking, confusing, relaxing, even irritating at times. Was it Dorothy Parker who said “she runs the gamut of emotions from A to B”? Well, I felt like I’d run from A to Z and back around again for another go. Suddenly, overwhelmingly, during one visualisation session I “got it” and the root cause of so many of the difficulties I’d been experiencing was powerfully revealed. Clarity, self-awareness, release, a lens that’s a bit battered and chipped but well and truly polished. I still feel refreshed, calmer, clearer than I’ve been for years. I learned a lot about myself and others. And life still isn’t perfect but I feel that I can deal with it much better and I’m sure that will continue. I feel a sense of deep peace and quiet purpose. I am so glad I went on this retreat.

31 Aug 2011

Miss Gordon: Polishing the Lens gives you the necessary time and support for your own personal development. The course notes are useful and the pace of the retreat is just right with plenty of time to practice yoga, swim and relax in the hot tub alongside the personal development work. Le Cotil is situated in a place of natural beauty and I would definitely recommend the course to anyone looking to reach their full potential.

16 Jun 2011

"Thank you for a truly inspirational course, great content and beautifully delivered. You are a good team! I definitely would like to do more with you both. I like your style, I feel supported and also feel there is more I can learn from you both" "I am enjoying for the first time feeling whole again" "I am extremely grateful to Jan and Andrew for sharing their knowledge with us. I learnt a lot about myself, about how I teach, and what can be done to make it better. Having been able to pick the accessible fruits from this tree I am hungry for more."

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Improvisation v Structure - An Organisational Paradox

Improvisation v. Structure: An Organisational Paradox read more

The Story Of Human Communication

How did we get here to the point where our ability to communicate is beyond comparison with any other species? Unravelling the roots of primordial sounds and pre-language communication is fraught with difficulty. The journey from our primordial ancestors' guttural grunts to the development of language, to the intricate tapestry of music, and other arts is a fascinating chapter in human evolution. This path reveals a continuous interplay between biological adaptation, environmental pressures, and read more

Music Does Not Exist

Music Does Not Exist read more

Its Not Just A Hobby

For many of us, music isn't just background noise – it's a passion, a refuge, a language with its own grammar and flow. We embrace the joy of playing, yet often downplay the skills we've honed, the challenges we've overcome, the worlds we've built note by note. Today, let's peel back the label and see what truly lies beneath. read more

From Mastering Chaos - The Musicians Way - From Grunts to Grammatical Gems: Exploring the Evolving Soundscape of Human Communication

My book "Mastering Chaos: The Musician's Way" will be due out soon on Kindle and other e-Readers, Waterstones and other great book shops. On Sound Forum I will be putting it up in bite-size Episodes so this is a chance for you to get read it for free. read more

A History of Musical Decision Making: Mastering Chaos - "The Musicians Way"

Decision-making can be musical. I can see several questions emerging in your mind as you read this. The purpose of this blog is to outline times in history when music came into decision making. It also examines how even decisions about engine maintenance come down to a matter of tone and feel. Finally I describe how, in the middle of a corporate negotiation over 'who gets paid what', musical processes materialised which helped inform the decision. read more

Establishing Trust The Musicians Way

Musicians tend, by the way they work together, to build trust with each other, creating a strong foundation for musical collaboration. This foundation can lead to more creative, rewarding, and enjoyable experiences for everyone involved. read more

Flow: In Music And Beyond - Andrew Hodges

Flow is a state of deep concentration and absorption in an activity. It is often characterised by a sense of timelessness, effortless effort, and complete involvement in the task at hand. read more

Music Improvisation - A Peak Experience?

Many people think of a peak experience as requiring unique special circumstances. Descriptions of peak experience often involve being the receiver of sensory stimulation from without, e.g. the vie read more

Improvisation, Chaos & Organisations

The Mastering Chaos approach employs music improvisation methodology as a very effective lens to examine team building issues and can be especially useful when things might be getting a little probl read more

Musical performance, Intuition and Interoception

Have you ever had the sense of intuitively knowing just what to do at certain points in your life? read more

The Experience Of Chaos - From The MASTERING CHAOS Library

We all have the hope that we live ordered lives. Life might, at least at the surface level, have that appearance. Humans generally have a strong desire for safety and with it certainty. In the absence of disturbing news it is possible to perceive of life as a 'calm sea' the waves gentle breaking on the shore. We can ignore the possibility of the storms which exist beyond the horizon. read more

Toxic Forms of Improvisation

Part of The Mastering Chaos: The Musicians Way Series of articles on how we as musicians work together as a group and what non-musicians could learn from us. The Mastering Chaos approach employs read more

The Mystery Of Buying A Musical Instrument

For most people buying a musical instrument is a mystery. Beginners have the greatest difficulty but even the experienced dont find this kind of decision easy. For the novice there are plenty of ch read more

Brexit: The Hidden Cost To Soundworkers

At the end of 2020 a deal was done with the EU; a very poor, light-weight deal. Whether you are a Leaver or Remainer you will probably be thinking that this outcome was not what I was expecting when the result of the referendum was announced in 2016. read more

Zoom 5.2.2 - Better Sound Quality

Musicians who have been using Zoom and other videoconferencing platforms for sessions, rehearsals, and performances since the coronavirus pandemic began earlier this year have struggled against an aud read more

Playing & Singing Together Remotely (That Latency Thing)

Along with many other forms of human interaction, live musical collaboration has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. Widespread quarantining and social distancing essentially suspended performances that require precise timing among multiple players – everything from classical symphonies and choir ensembles to jazz quartets and rock bands. read more

Covid Confusion - Finding A Way Through? ANDREW HODGES

Covid Confusion - Finding A Way Through read more

Music Does Not Exist

Music unlike Art produces nothing concrete. I accept that it creates MP3s, CDs and other forms of re-playable media. What I mean is that Art mostly produces some kind of object, a painting, a carving, a sculpture. Musical creations disappear the moment they are heard. Musical creations are functions of mind's ability to make connections between past, present and future in the form of sounds. But what exists is only those vibrations which exist at that moment. In this sense music only exists, if read more

Mastering Chaos: "Entrainment"

We often talk about people blissfully living in their 'bubble'. We talk about politicians living in their bubble of reality not necessarily aware of the lives of others. We run the risk of becoming entrained by our own 'bubbles'. Before you choose to believe that you don't have your own bubble just be aware that the likes of Google and Facebook know about your bubble. They like to feed your 'bubble'. They think they know what you like. read more

Mastering Chaos - Do we really know how to be creative? -

How free are we to make things up as we go along? Or do we just follow the rules? read more

Mastering Chaos® A Leadership Workshop - Andrew Hodges

Musical leadership is leading 'in the moment', guiding multiple strands of simultaneous activities. Leadership doesn't get more complex than this. Musicians must lead themselves and their 'team', i.e. their band or orchestra, in a variety of different styles to suit the piece. The leadership style must 'fit', relate to what is happening now, with a sense of what's coming towards them, hopefully leading to the best outcome. read more

The Gift of Sound

What a privilege it is to share the joy of sound read more

"Festival Overture" - What Sound Healing Did For Me...

Most people will know that despite being editor of Sound Travels Sound Forum I dont often publish here. However on this occasion you might allow me a little indulgence. Many of us struggle to find read more

Musical, Magical Retreat For Sale

Le Cotil: Our Musical, Magical Retreat Is For Sale We are selling our wonderful retreat in NORMANDY, FRANCE. Some Sound Forum members may have even been over and stayed with us. But now is the tim read more


Ive been giving some thought to those internet surveillance and tracking revelations (known as PRISM) which appeared recently in the press and internet blogs and wondered whether our experie read more

The Successful Improvising Organisation: The Pre-conditions

It is my belief that the behaviours and processes that underpin the improvisational metaphor go way beyond musical boundaries. They can even be related directly to the causes of current world economi read more

Sound Forum: Crossing The Divides

Thoughts about possible developments on Sound Forum and the potential of increasing and deepening worldwide awareness of the rich spectrum of human activity in Sound. Please note that I have CAPITA read more

Just Firefighting? (Part 2) - The TROUBLE WITH IMPROVISATION

In the article Just Firefighting which I published last year, I referred to musical improvisation as a possible metaphor for non-musical improvisation. However there is a major problem with improvisat read more

Mind The Gap

Do you feel as if youre permanently on the brink of what feels a bit like a precipice? Do you sometimes feel as if youre teetering on edge of something almost unimaginably terrible? And its all read more

The Scale of The Universe

This is by far one of the best illustrations of the magnificence of our Universe. This presentation allows to to drill down to the smallest particle and then expand your horizons up and beyond the ver read more

Why do some ideas work and others not?

When you work creatively as many of us do, some ideas just take off and fly as if they have a mind of their own.I often find myself surprised at what works and what doesnt. With some creative proj read more

How the Sound Forum Community site, Facebook and Twitter are linked

I am frequently asked how the website, Sound Forum Facebook and Twitter are linked. So here is an attempt to provide some answers. Sound Forum Community site is where artic read more

How To Get The Best From Sound Forum

Sound Forum, through the use of the latest approaches to communication, has made it possible for everyone involved in Sound, in all its wonderous glory, to find each other and come together. How does read more

An Example of what Sound Forum is ALL about...

This screen-shot demonstrates very well what Sound Forum is all about. Sound Forums purpose is to help everyone interested in Sound and its Powers to connect and come together to share the very best read more

An Invitation to Join Us

We have created a new Group called Yoga on Sound Forum. Yoga and Sound are closely related so we at Sound Forum are inviting Yoga Teachers and Practitioners who use sound in their work to join us as c read more

Atma Vichari – A Journey of Inquiry To The Self.

Vichara &lsquoto inquire&rsquo, Atma &lsquoSelf&rsquo Patanjali says: &ldquoYoga&rsquos; purpose is ultimately to strip away mind&rsquos; fluctuations to allow us to become One &ndash to be unified.&r read more

"Lifemusic - Connecting People to Time" Reviewed by Andrew Hodges

Rod Paton, one of the worlds foremost authorities on improvisation, has provided us, in his latest book LifeMusic, with a significant addition to the research. LifeMusic is a fresh look at i read more

The Sound and The Storm

It is undeniable that times are tough and may even get tougher. The situation across the world does not look good. It doesnt need much close analysis to know that with the losses we have experienc read more

Just Firefighting?

One or two people may know that whilst I can turn my hand to a decent bit of violin improvisation I spend a considerable amount of time working with the business community developing business teams. read more

Improvisational Worlds

New Horizons for both the Musician and the Non-musician , Trained or Untrained This short article describes how the potential of music improvisation might offer an effective route for the progressive read more

The Magic of Group Free Intuitive Music Improvisation

There are many different interpretations of the meaning of music improvisation. For many, when music improvisation is mentioned, jazz or Indian music may be brought to mind. Others may have experience read more

Lark Ascending?

Its that time of year, isnt it? (At least for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere.) Spring is upon us at last and all seems as it should be. Sometimes things can be just so, cant read more

Lark Ascending?

Its that time of year, isnt it? (At least for us in the northern hemisphere.) Spring is upon us at last and all seems as it should be. Sometimes things can be just so, cant they? Like the read more

Lark Ascending

Its that time of year, isnt it? (At least for us in the northern hemisphere.) Spring is upon us at last and all seems as it should be. Sometimes things can be just so, cant they? Like the read more

Lark Ascending

Its that time of year, isnt it? (At least for us in the northern hemisphere.) Spring is upon us at last and all seems as it should be. Sometimes things can be just so. Like they always seem read more

Music, Yoga and Experiencing Quality Improvement

As a professional violinist and teacher, and having spent a number of years practising yoga, I am becoming intrigued by my growing awareness of the connection between the practice of yoga and the qual read more

Hi Karen, Thank you so much for your kind words. Were all going to help each other now and into the future progressively take the creativity, the ideas and the message of sound and its capabilities read more

Gong Therapy

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Whats the Value of a Sound-Worker?

As we mentioned in our last newsletter, Sustainability and Healing our much-abused Planet will be the over-riding theme for our Sound Community in the coming months. To add the debate you may have no read more

The Mystique of Chartres Cathedral

The Mystique of Chartres Cathedral Susan Hales said in one of her posts Chartres Cathedral is one of the acoustic wonders of the world, a place where even whispers sound like angels. I recen read more


I found James dAngelos article refreshingly clear. It has been my view for quite some time that Chakras dont have absolute pitches attached to them. We are all different and if we see each oth read more

Reaction to Initial Rehearsals of My Latest Composition

If I hadnt been heavily steeped in the improvising experience I think I might have had a very uncomfortable evening when my latest piece was placed in front of one orchestra I know and love. (Ill read more

Thoughts about the next Lifesound workshop

My next Lifesound Workshop is on the 16th May and as we are now just a few days away the preparations for it are beginning to come to fruition. Recent research as part my PhD have begun to reveal read more

Sitting Comfortably

We often find ourselves sitting on the floor, possibly in front of a client or an audience of avid listeners, or in a yoga session leading a meditation wondering just how much should we be paying atte read more


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