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Event Details

Posted:Tammy Yick

UK, WILTSHIRE - Yoga & Gong Bath ReTreat, Dianne & Tammy, Goss Croft Hall, Seagry, 29 Apr 2018

We welcome you along to our second Yoga and Gong Bath restorative experience. You will be transported on a journey of beautiful Modern Postural Yoga to gradually build strength and create calm before flowing into the ground based deeper stretches. We take a break of tea and cake, after which we make ourselves comfortable for the delights of Gong Sound Bath. You will be cocooned in the Sounds of the Gong and feel supported as you immerse in its calming benefits. £30 includes all the above. Numbers are limited so booking is essential to secure your place. To book please contact: or speak to us for any enquiries. With love, Tammy and Dianne

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