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This is wonderful reminder of what Tama Do embodies, the joy of incarnation and a new hope for finding the light within us through the vibrations of colour, sound and movement. I was in my darkest time in my life when I first came across the Tama Do courses. It was like a light was shown to me. Everything worldly was telling me that I couldn’t justify spending all this time and money to do the 2 week Level 1 intensive but something inside me just pushed me to go. It changed my life, it gave me a new way to be and belief in myself. Since then, the light has never gone out and I have so much more to give now and the life opportunities are flowing in since I loved my self enough to give myself that gift. Tama Do teaches techniques for feeding the mind, body and soul daily and how to bring in light and abundance to ourselves, and others in the darkest of times. This year I went on the Tama Do Shamanic trip and I can truly say that it was the most joyful experience I have ever felt which has created a strength inside me that will carry me for a long time. It was an intensive period of connecting to the true essence within me through the connection to elements of nature. You know how it is when you find something that is such a gift to yourself, you just want everyone else to find that too which is the only reason I volunteered to organise Tama Do Courses here in the Uk. So I trust that all of us know what’s right for us, so if the little voice that speaks inside you, calls you to find out more, then please do check out or come along and meet Fabien, in the UK in March.

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