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Davis Addendum to The "Tomatis Effect"

148th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, November 15-19, 2004, San Diego





Dorinne S. Davis-Kalugin, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA

The Davis Center,Rockaway, NJ, USA

[email protected]



The Tomatis Method is based on theprinciples established by Dr. Alfred Tomatis. The relationship of the ear and voice is defined in his three laws, the“Tomatis Effect”.  Recent research withBioAcoustics, a new science, has given rise to 2 new laws that can be appliedto the ear/voice connection.  ThroughBioAcoustics, a time domain frequency analysis of the voice becomes apredictive, diagnostic, and preventive tool for wellness.  The spontaneous otoacoustic emissions fromthe ear were evaluated and compared with a frequency analysis obtained throughvoice analysis.  One hundred percentcorrelation between the stressed frequencies of the ear and voice wasnoted.  From this research, an addendum of2 new laws to the “Tomatis Effect”was suggested. 




Over 50 years ago, Dr. AlfredTomatis discovered the "Tomatis Effect", a set of 3 laws thatidentified a 'voice-ear-brain' connection. Specifically,  these laws state:

Law 1:                   The voice only contains theharmonics that the ear can hear.

Law 2:                   Ifyou give the possibility to the ear to correctly hear the
                                distorted frequencies of sound thatare not well heard, these
                                are immediately and unconsciouslyrestored into the voice.

Law 3:                   Theimposed audition sufficiently maintained over time
                                results in permanently modifying theaudition and phonation.

These laws were validated in 1957at the French Academy of Sciences.  The laws are the foundation for the Tomatis®Method, a method of sound presentation that impacts many developmental,emotional, and wellness issues.


This paper discusses relativelynew information about sounds that the ear emits, called otoacoustic emissions,and, based on a comparative research project, propose the addition of two newlaws to the Tomatis Effect.  Thisconnection was identified with the science of BioAcoustics™, a science createdby Ms. Sharry Edwards, MA, that analyzes the distorted frequency patternsemitted by the voice and identifies specific wellness issues within each voiceprint. 


Review of the Tomatis® Method


Dr. Tomatis used filtered and gated sounds to allow the ear to processsound differently. 

The focus of the method is on theeffects of high frequencies and their impact on the brain and body. Changes areevidenced in the overall functioning of the listener. 


Otoacoustic Emissions


In 1978, Dr. David Kemp reportedthat the ear also emits sound called Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE’s). The OAE's are soundsgenerated by the energy of the outer cochlear hair cells and can be detectedwhen a microphone is placed within the external auditory canal. OAE’s offerinformation about auditory functioning that would not be available from othersources. 


There are three main types ofOAE’s:  Distortion Product, Transient,and Spontaneous.(Hall, and Mueller, 1997) The Distortion Product and Transient formshave clinical applications for audiologists and physicians. 


The third type, calledSpontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions (SOAE), is the most relevant to the two new lawsand BioAcoustics.  The SOAE is recordedin the external ear canal and measures the sound output, or emissions of theear.  Very little research has been donewith SOAE’s because little is known as to what to do with the information.




Shortly before Dr. Kemp’spublication on his cochlear reflection hypothesis, Ms. Sharry Edwards wasdiscovering that the 'sounds she was hearing' were Spontaneous OtoacousticEmissions coming from the people around her. Her unique hearing abilities allowed her to hear the sounds that onlycarefully placed microphones and special recording instruments were able todetect.  These “life sounds” representthe basis for what has become the science devoted to the study of thefrequencies emanating from all living systems.


Ms. Edwards developed the fieldof BioAcoustics™. She found a way to capture the energy (frequency) patterns ofpeople through a time domain frequency generated voiceprint.  This voiceprint becomes a uniquerepresentation of the person at the time it is generated. 




Certain connections in the basicconcepts of both methods were identified. The Tomatis® Method utilizes high frequency sound, bone conductionstimulation, and voice stabilization for success.  BioAcoustics™ uses the voice to identifystressed issues and entrains the brain through low frequency analog sound tomake a change.  The Tomatis® Methodcortically re-energizes the brain and uses the voice to support change; andBioAcoustics™ uses the voice to identify the issues and then entrains the brainto make change.  The two methods supporteach other in a continuous cycle.


Research Study


A research study explored theconnection between the voice-ear-brain. With the knowledge that the voiceproduces what the ear hears (looking at vocal output and reception of sound atthe ear, or Tomatis®) and, that the ear emits a sound (looking at vocal outputand emission of sound at the ear, or BioAcoustics™), one could hypothesize thatthe connection between the ear and the voice would be the same whether it is inthe reception or expression of sound.

Criteriafor Exploratory Study

The following criteria was established for comparingvoiceprint frequencies to SOAE’s:

1.      TheSpontaneous Otoacoustic Emission must be measured on the same visit as thevoiceprint and occur prior to the voiceprint.

2.      Subjectswill participate one time.

3.      Allstudy subjects must be 18 or older.

4.      Equipmentused will be the Madsen Capella 0301 with the Madsen eartips from box 8-66-950.

5.      Threeforms of OAE’s will be tested.

6.      OnlySOAE’s will be compared to the voiceprints.

7.      SOAEfrequencies will be divided into 2 categories: a) those under 1000 Hz, and b)those over 1000 Hz up to 10,000 Hz.

8.      Leftand right ears will be recorded separately.

9.      Allfrequencies that are recorded as automatic SOAE’s will be used.

10.  Allfrequencies with noticeable peaks will be noted.

11.  The firstlow “stringer” will be recorded.

12.  The firsthigh “riser” or peak will be recorded.

13.  TheAudiologist will record the SOAE’s as frequencies, specifically noting theBWM’s (Brain Wave Multiples: “A term used to describe cycles per second offrequency that fall between .05 and 30 cycles per second, the range identifiedas brain waves.”   {Edwards, 1997}).

14.  ABioAcoustician ( certified by Sound Health Alternatives International, Inc.)will take the subject’s voice print (for spectral analysis) identifying andrecording BWM’s using standardized BioAcoustics equipment and programs, asestablished by Sound Health, Inc.

15.  CorrespondingVP BWM’s will be included with differences up to .05.


Study Results


The study ran from 11/13/99 through 2/26/03 and included 50adult subjects randomly selected from parents and clientele at the Davis Center.  Data was obtained and recorded notingcorresponding SOAE and voiceprint (VP) BWM's (Brain Wave Multiple) and enteredinto their appropriate number of "hits" categories of  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+. Results demonstratedthat every subject (100%) demonstrated at least one corresponding SOAE and VPBWM.  76% had 5+ corresponding frequencies.  12% had 4 corresponding frequencies. 6% had 3corresponding frequencies. 4% had 2 corresponding frequencies.  2% had 1 corresponding frequency.  88% had 4+ corresponding.  (Insert Figure 1 and Figure 2)


Although this data is drawn fromtwo different sources (SOAE's, and VP's), each was broken down into comparableBrain Wave Multiple (BWM) frequencies. Approximately 30 SOAE stressed frequencies out of 10,000 frequencies wereidentified for each subject.  With theBioAcoustics’ VP, 24 stressed frequencies out of  100,000 were identified for each subject.  These numbers were converted into Brain WaveMultiples (as defined in BioAcoustics standards) and compared.  The Brain Wave Multiples of the 30frequencies from the SOAE's and the Brain Wave Multiples of the 24 frequenciesfrom the BioAcoustics voiceprint were compared.  The number of "hits" represented thematching Brain Wave Multiples. 




One hundred percent (100%) of allsubjects tested demonstrated at least one matching SOAE with a VP BWM.  The results allowed one to hypothesize that“The voice produces what the ear hears (Dr. Tomatis) and the ear emitsthe same stressed frequencies that are emitted by the voice. (Davis, 2002)”  


Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect


With one hundred percent (100%)correlation, two new laws are suggested as an addition  to Dr. Tomatis' laws. 

New Law 1:          The ear emits the same stressed frequencies thatare
                             emitted bythe voice.

New Law 2:          When complementary or supplementaryfrequencies of
                                stressed frequencies are introduced viasound vibration to
                                the ear, vocal patterns regain coherence.


These new laws lend furthersupport to the voice-ear-brain connection, and encourage further research inthis interpretation.  They also enhancethe connection between the Tomatis® Method and BioAcoustics™, furtherclarifying the cyclical pattern of how the body uses receptive and expressivesound.











Davis, Dorinne.(2000). Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between BioAcoustic voiceprintFrequencies and Otoacoustic Emissions, BioAcousticsAnnual Conference Report.


Davis, Dorinne.(2004). Sound Bodies through SoundTherapy, Kalco Publishing, LLC: Landing, NJ.


Davis, Dorinne, andEdwards, Sharry. (April 2002). BioAcoustic Voiceprint Frequencies andOtoacoustic Emissions, American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention.


Edwards, S.(1997). BioAcoustics& Sound Therapy, Creating SoundEnvironments, 1-12.


Hall, James W. III. (2000).Handbook of Otoacoustic Emissions,Singular Publishing Group: San Diego CA.


Tomatis, Alfred. (1996). TheEar and Language, Moulin Publishing: Ontario, Canada.







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2%   1   Corresponding

4%   2   Corresponding

6%   3   Corresponding

12% 4   Corresponding

76% 5+ Corresponding













                                         Figure 2




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