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Joy Hicklin-Bailey

Forgiveness, Ho'oponopono & how they relate to your awakening and freedom

You are Love. Yet, during the apparent 'journey' intoconsciousness, when you get freer from the tyranny of the robotic mind and morefully embodied, more present in the physical body, you may well become aware ofemotions that were previously unnoticed, perhaps for many years. The healing ofthat unresolved material and mistaken perceptions of reality is a spirallingprocess that can take years or, with grace, happen in a moment.

Asthe personality & conscious mind tries to maintain the status quo &protect the identity, these old but more obvious emotions might prevent thedeeper inquiry and intimacy with life which are required to enter a deeper athome-ness, which is the gateway to stillness and freedom. Ironically thisgateway lies just 'below' the painful residues of  emotional history, justa blink away from the personality's belief in its separateness & itsresulting never ending desires, disappointing stories & fears.

Thatis why committment and discipline can appear to be necessary qualities of alover of truth. If your conscious mind avoids the negative emotions by denying,or escaping in distractions, the personality succeeds & youropportunity to realize what is already free of the personal small self and itsemotional states will be lost.

Ifthe personality resists the descent into what it might judge as negativity,that old pain will continue & magnetise recurrent circumstances that itresonates with -thus proving hw right you are! Either consciously orunconsciously, the pain will affect the physical body & life circumstances& the more resistance there is to allowing in the old material the strongerthe impact gets, because a being who has been engaged in any kind of empoweringwork will magnetise events more & more quickly.  This can feel veryfrightening & demoralising. 'I did all this work and I feel terribleow...and nothing works anymore'

Thisis where so much maturity, self-love and courage is needed. The only solution isa simple one - to allow the emotions, the pain, to be just the way that it is& feel it fully in the body. The conscious mind's thinking can align withthe negativity, which makes the pain & to appear more and more as the onlyreal way to see life. So the associated defence mechanisms and strategies canget stronger, just when they were on the verge of crumbling.

Theinvitation in Secret Garden is to allow & embrace the pain and own it fullyas one's own-then there can be gradually a clearer seeing of how thoughts areinfluenced by your emotional states & vice versa & how apparentnegativity then recurs.

Directfelt sensational experience without judgement allows a completion. Deep healingcomes in the conscious allowing, and the acceptance of what is rather than theglossing over or avoidance of what is or the putting out onto others as beingthe only cause of it.

Manypeople have spoken to me of their fear that if they accept a particular pain orhappening they are giving up. This is not the case. it is a most courageous actto be willing to open to a pain or discomfort, a  hurt or disappointment,with all the compassion the heart holds, without trying to dilute it bycomplaint, or blaming someone or something else outside of your innermostbeing. Acceptance of suffering, welcoming life in all its destructive ways aswell as its glories, brings peace & true peace is the most powerful energyavailable to a human being.

Presenceof such quality requires consciousness and pure consciousness -aligned as it iswith life's depths & the ocean of aloha that life is - harmonises &bring unity. Consciousness begins transforming your pain into the love that italready is.

Thisact does not require trying, effort or technique. Indeed transformation &healing happens by itself, naturally and miraculously. If this presence simplyisnt available to you for a particular pain or situation, or repeated patternsare beyond your understanding or seem to be someone else's fault, then find theholding & presence of a being who can bring more light and consciousness tobear than you can and a community of kindred spirits who value authenticity andthat which is beyond words. These are the best investments you can ever makeand you will be re-paid endlessly.

Feelingold emotions may seem to be unbearable. However, the pain is made worse in theresistance or in your refusal 'to be made feel them' or in your fears aboutwhat might happen if you do feel them. During self-enquiry you might welldiscover that even the most extreme feelings are extraordinarily without realsubstance.  Pain can continue, although "no one" is thereto suffer or claim ownership. I do realise this may sound controversial.Truth often is.

Sufferingwill not end until it is faced, met, owned, fully conscious. That which isknown becomes past. Self-realization is always of the present & is the endof all suffering 9though not the end of life experiences or fully aliveresponses to them,  of course. AND that 'journey' - that is only apparent,and can seem too painful as you come to consciousness - has no escape route.Once you have started you cannot stop, even if you think you can.

Wehave all had painful past situations that have to be lived. You do not need togo into the past to process or heal the story. You might have already noticedthat repeating a painful story does not resolve the pain.

Old,hidden emotions arise as conditioned reactions to a present life situation.This is the past living on in you. Some feelings or learned responses are sodeeply embedded in the unconscious that they do not even surface until youbegin to go within.

Youmay have already tried to forgive the past -a person or situation, yet theforgiveness might have remained intellectual or on the surface & the deepforgiveness of your radiant heart hasn't happened.

InHawaiian Huna, which is core in all Secret Garden exploration, there is ahealing practice -which can be elaborate or simple, short or longer, called Ho'oponopono (the meaning of this is being aligned with right ortruth). While dualistic in nature (it assumes there is a 'person' &'another', & that something can be done to make life better, ho'oponoponorequires taking full responsibility for all that has previously been resisted,denied, avoided, judged or put out onto others. It is also vital to forgiveyourself for the mistaken perception. Ho'oponopono then addresses profoundquestions about reality and perception and 'who is perceiving? and 'didanything ever happen?'

Trueheart forgiveness has no agenda or requirement, which means that it is free ofany need or dependence. It has nothing to do with anyone else or any particularhappening. This deep forgiveness is the power of that within you that is beyondtime & space, already free of personal history. This is sometimes called'higher consciousness', a term I am not so keen on as it is misused so much.

Beforeawakening, when it is realized that a life story is a self-projection,self-forgiveness becomes a profoundly central, vital way to heal and return tosanity. Just as a movie projector projects images onto a screen, what remainsunconscious & unloved within you is projected in your life right now. thatis how it can be consciously seen. Much of the time the world that youexperience, if you believe in its reality, is a projection of unconsciousnesswithin you.

Soboth the victim & the persecutor have their roots within you. The personalitywill deny this & continue to blame apparent others, but throughself-enquiry and observation you may find it is true. When you embrace, love& accept what seems to be without, you are free of it.

Youthen realize that you have indeed always been free & that you have beensuffering for no reason.

Awell known short form of Ho'oponopono is based on these beautiful phrases, "Please forgive me. I am sorry. Thank you & I love you."

Attheir deepest can be addressed simply to the inner.  In a simple meditationwhich can occur as you go about your day, this becomes -  "Pleaseforgive my projection, I am sorry for perceiving in this manner, thank you forbringing what was unconscious into consciousness, I love you, innermost Godintelligence."

Atthe Huna retreat & other gatherings, we might work with a longer and morecmprehensive ho'oponopono that harnesses the full transformative power of theunconscious' capacity to change projections instantly, This is also energisedby the field we share there, the chants, and the shared intention.

Soin Huna while healing the apparent duality of the personality's & consciousmind's state of consciousness, the healing must apparently take fullresponsibility for felt pain until this responsibility is fulfilled and untilan unconsidered  dance of aliveness is all that 'you' are.

Beforethis freedom of being, the most powerful tools that are readily accessible toeveryone are ho'oponopono, silence,  a willingness to look within, selfenquiry & let go of the without regularly, embrace ALL you feel,completely without trying to change anything,.. you can then realise that thereis nothing wrong with you and never was!

Youcan then be free for the deeper inquiry into the spaciousness &formlessness within, realize who is conscious and enquiring into being thatendless love & ultimately, realize the absolute which is making'everything' possible, the absolute from which all arises.

Ho'oponoponois the simplest and most profound reasting place, healing retreat druing thestorms and trials of the transition between awakening & liberation.  atime that can last a lifetime or be over fast, a time of intense contrasts,pain and shadows as wel,as extraordinary openings & deep joy.

Ifyou can read this far, there is no one who is not ready to surrender the beliefin identity "I am forgiving" (being ...) and "I amunforgiving" (being ...) and rest only as "I am." "Iam" is the gateway to who or what you already are, always were, that beyndbeingness which was never born & will never die.

Youare already the love you seek, the freedom you long for. Regardless of circumstance,regardless of others.

Thereal you is beyond ho'oponopono. yet sometimes -often- ho'oponopono allows thatrevelation.

Youare not the apparent mind-body limited by form & time, involved in aprocess of becoming something more or needing to blame self or others. You arealready the All -One that is inseparable from unconditional love,  peaceand joy for no reason; from & within which all beingness, the whole universeis appears.

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aloha,all love, Joy Hicklin-Bailey

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