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from: Chris James

Listening to The Call ( of our inner Heart)

Hi, I would like to share with you the introduction to my new album “ the Call”, that I am currently working on.
It is possible now, amidst all that is happening in the world, to feel the true call of our inner heart. A place that resides inside us all, and when listened to, provides a wealth of wisdom.
This is all we need to do. We can then start to trust that our thoughts, words and actions, will be reflecting that fiery love back to the world. 
Please see if you can listen to it through speakers, not just earphones on your ipod. I am enjoying playing with this mode of music in my workshops and presentations.
The link to listen is here.
Let me know if you like it on [email protected] and facebook link Or go straight to my website and click on one of the facebook links.
With love Your fellow student Chris                                                                         [email protected]

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