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Andrew Hodges
Category: Improvisation

Mastering Chaos® A Leadership Workshop - Andrew Hodges



Employing The Principles of Rod Paton’s Lifemusic®

Musical leadership is leading 'in the moment', guiding multiple strands of simultaneous activities. Leadership doesn't get more complex than this.

Musicians must lead themselves and their 'team', i.e. their band or orchestra, in a variety of different styles to suit the piece.

The leadership style must 'fit', relate to what is happening now, with a sense of what's coming towards them, hopefully leading to the best outcome.

Use the wrong 'style' of musical leadership and 'it just doesn't happen.'

Rod & Andrew's Lifemusic® programme “Mastering Chaos®” is a one-day workshop designed to help you develop awareness of different styles of leadership, recognising where these different styles of leadership apply, and practicing enhanced group facilitation skills. An unusual feature of this leadership programme is that it is based on different styles of musical leadership.

Life can be chaotic and complicated. When you are in the thick of things you aren’t going to necessarily reach for the text book. Factors such as worker seniority, the business process being performed and the complexity of relevant tasks all play an important role in what leadership style to adopt for any given situation...more

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