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Ida Kelarova
from: Ida Kelarova
Category: Voicework

Open your heart and sing

A workshop with Ida Kelarova

Cornwall will soon see the return of Ida Kelarova, the renowned Roma singer. In a collaboration with Shakti Tantra, Ida will facilitate a singing workshop in St Just, from 22 to 24 June. 

Ida Keralova was inspired to sing by her father Koloman Bitto, also a famous musician, who told her ‘Open your throat, open your heart, do not fear anything and sing’. Having trained as a musician and professional singer, she founded the gypsy band Romano Rat (Gypsy Blood) with her husband Desiderius Duzda, and they still perform successfully all over the world. 

Ida has a unique approach, inviting participants to connect with emotions, memories and relationships, to bring about deep emotional release.

‘I have worked with professional singers, and complete beginners, all can explore their true potential together. We focus on supporting people to find their true voice, by using the emotions, the passion that is hidden in everyone. Expressing our passion is not a weakness, it gives us power, and our voice is the strongest tool we have to express ourselves. So it’s not about technical expertise, everyone has the capacity to sing, when it comes from their truth, from their hearts.

‘The power of the work is that it gives participants a way of connecting with their passion, and develops confidence, in all parts of their lives. That is why I am happy to have the connection with Shakti Tantra. We have a shared belief that everyone should have the opportunity to explore their true potential, live fully.

‘If we sing, we stay open. If we open our hearts, that is the way to change the world’

For more information about Ida, see 

For more information about the workshop, and other Shakti Tantra events, see For advice about booking contact Pauline on 07715104566

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