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Lyz Cooper
from: Lyz Cooper
Category: Sound Healing

'Project Globalsound' - a sonic collage for unity and 'wholing'


Project ‘Globalsound’ - A sonic collage for unity and ''wholing''
‘Times they are a changing’.  Bob Dylan’s words resonate within me as I reflect on where we are as beings on this Earth at this time. There is instability on many levels and the media tend to focus on one aspect, which can entrain our energy and pull us off centre.

When we are experiencing what we may perceive as chaos, darkness or ''negative energy'' there is also another process going on - one of great potential, learning and transformation. When I feel the entraining force of the media, or feel ''out of tune'' sound helps me to remember who I truly am. It brings me back to alignment and the knowing that all is perfect.

As sound-workers we can make a difference by communicating a unifying sonic message around the world. Last year I was inspired by ‘glow’ the dance event held at the Eurovision Song Contest. I found the energy of this ‘flash mob’ style event moving, uplifting and joyful – people were united in music and dance. And then I had a thought... how wonderful would be to create the same thing with sound that spans the globe, bringing people together as a global sound community?

This is the moment that a seed was planted that is now growing into ‘Project Globalsound’. If you would like to take part in this project you are very welcome. You do not have to be a professional sound practitioner/therapist/healer or an accomplished musician – anyone and everyone is welcome. Our aim is to send a healing/wholing/loving/peaceful intention around the world, carried on our sound. From the smallest OM to the largest drum each and every sound is just as valid as the next, enabling each contributor to take part in this project in their own unique way. This is a sonic collage rather than a musical piece so it will comprise many textures that will be woven together to make one unifying whole. Clifford Sax and I will take your soundbytes and mix them into a track.

I will be blogging, tweeting and Facebooking about the project as we go along and the final piece will be released on YouTube, my website and all around the world on 21.12.11. Please tell everyone about this project and if you can help with broadcasting and publicity please let me know. If you are motivated to take part we need the following
- 1 x mp3 file of a sound piece of 1 - 3 minutes duration.

It is important that this is not multi-instrumental, although single melodic instruments such as a flute or sitar for example are fine. Vocals accompanying a drone such as a tampura or Himalayan bowl are also ok.
- 1 x photo of you or your group/community who created the piece
- Your town and country

- A word or two to accompany the piece – this could be a word such as ‘peace’ or ‘love’ or a short statement – only a few words max please.

The final piece will be presented as an audio track and on YouTube we hope to present images of the people who took part as well as the music. Email [email protected] or visit my webiste for more information. Click on the Project Globalsound logo.

By emailing your piece to me you are agreeing for your piece of sound to be included in the piece and any copywrite/reproduction laws are not applicable. You have given Lyz Cooper and Clifford Sax consent to use your sound piece within Project Globalsound only and that this piece will be broadcast worldwide on many sites and YouTube. You also give consent for your image and statement to be incorporated into a short film. If you are under 18 years of age or considered a vulnerable person we will need parental/guardian/carers consent to publish your image(s)

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