An overview of 18 Areas of Gong Studies
*The Prophesies and Mysteries of the Gong and its lineage
The first three books of Gong Mastery:
*We will teach from the first three books.
The Music of Wholeness
Magnum Opus of the Gong I
Gongs of our Solar System
Questions & Answers
*We will use Q & A in the singing bowl for diving the communication process
The Gong Meditation, the Gong Bath, and Gong Puja.
*Each one is indispensible to delineate and practice
Gong Therapy
*Bronze/Brass Alloy – the common man’s gold – Gong Meditation - Gong Therapy
Dance of the Gong
*The strokes of the hung gong and the hand held gong
The 4th Ray Technique of Chord saturation
*The best use of the Shruti Song, and the Shruti Box
Over-toning and the Mantra Sutra
*Nada Mantra Sutra technique
The Healing Art of improvising Sacred Tone
*A rite of passage as a Genesian technique
Brain Science and Divination
*Synchronization of the Whole and the Parts
Playing Well the Sacred Conch and the Bronze Singing Bowl
*Purification through Conch Sounds; Conch ceremonies
Initiatory Purpose of Healing Theatrical Gong Performance
*De-materialization of the viewer
The Global Gong Network
*The purpose of The International Council of Gong Masters
Starhenge Sacred Geometry and the World Peace Gong Gardens
*Gong Master of Geometry, Design and divination Templates
Singing Bowl Playing and Bowl therapy
*programming of bowls through vocal toning and speech singing