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Steven Ash
from: Steven Ash
Category: Drumming

Sacred Drumming: Our Strange New Journey

These are strange, wonderful and powerful times.
It is all change our end as I am sure it is with everyone else. All our courses and sacred journeys are being put on hold, and we are well settled here in this beautiful house and garden enjoying a spring like I can not remember since my childhood! And having to learn about Trust.I cycled to the lake for a swim this morning and smelt the trees, smells that I remember from so long ago when the air was clean, we have forgotten so much that nature has to offer, due to the blanket of exhaust.
We are adapting our work as we go:
1. Sunday evening distance drum healing group on Facebook - the last year at 18.30 UK and 19.30 European time, we run a half hour distance drum healing through facebook.People can contact us at… and have names added to the list, this is getting consistent results.
2. We are now doing online sound healing sessions as regular events, this is a link to "Healing through the Medicine Wheel” Recorded 14-04-2020.This has been received really well received with requests for more.
3. Our Sacred Drummers are also spontaneously sending healing as regular drum distance healing, all communication about these are via facebook and WhatsApp groups.An example..A SD teacher's relative is in hospital with the Covid-19 Virus, that evening 20 drummers drummed for her which is ongoing for 7 days, a day for each of the Sacred Directions of the Medicine Wheel.Already we have had positive feedback… This is sound healing in action and the drummers are powerful and feeling like they can do something positive.
4. The Sacred drumming Practitioner Training at the Clophill  Centre which was beginning on July 4-6 2020 is now beginning in September 4-6 2020, there are still spaces available.

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