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Jenna Monroe
from: Jenna Monroe
Category: Sound Healing

Singing the Self - Breath, Toning & Vocal Improvisation

This workshop is designed to develop curiosity, creativity, courage and connection in a whole/being approach to singing.

Whether a beginner or an experienced singer, our aim is to emerge more confident and liberated, with deeper emotional connection to self and others and with a vocal technique rooted in the body.

Participants are invited to discover or deepen their ability to create harmonies with ease and to explore group and individual improvisation, toning and breath.

When we work from where we are & not where we think we should be, the result is enhanced intuition and a fuller, flowing expression of self.

Wear loose clothing, bring a bottle of water, a yoga mat and/or a blanket.

1:30 pm – 5:30 pm, November 20th at the Matara Centre, Kingscote, Tetbury

Tel: 01453 861050

Early Bird price: £18 if booked before November 1st

£25 if booked after November 1st

Contact Jenna directly on 073 600 35159

Email: [email protected] 

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