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Some of the magic Wands of Sound ...

Singing Bowls 

The art of playing or singing the bowls is one of the foundation stones of my healing instruments ... what is a Singing Bowl ... 

A Singing Bowl is a metallic bowl made from several alloys, copper, tin, zinc, iron, lead, gold, silver and mercury. 

The sound is produced by striking the surface with a mallet or by rubbing its rim with a special wooden mallet coated with leather. Singing Bowls give long sustained overtones, undertones and reverberate with delicate yet intense vibrations. These magical bowls come in different shapes, sizes, weight, design and quality. These factors determine the notes, scales and quality of each bowl. The longer the sustain on the sound of the bowl, the better its quality. 



Singing Bowl Body Placement 



I place a master bowl on the body, on various energy points whilst singing the bowl, a skill I have developed over the past ten years.


The Voice ... 

Vocal Toning 

Toning is the creation of extended vocal sounds on a single vowel in order to experience the sound and its effects in other parts of the body. The art of tuning the body on a cellular level using vocal tones, these vocal tones resonate with the body’s molecules, balancing and releasing blockages, clearing and balancing the Chakras. By vocally massaging body and mind from the inside out, toning can help you focus and relax; release negative emotions; reduce stress; and improve stamina and concentration.



Rainstick, Drum and Hang 

Shamanic Drumming 

Shamanic drumming connects our heart beat to the rhythm of the earth, immersing ourselves in natural coordination and rhythm, our drumming evolves. 

Rain Stick 

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The Rainstick when circled round the head creates a surround sound of ocean waves, gentle rain drops, rolling pebbles or wind blown leaves. 


Hang is a convex steel drum played with the hands or mallets and tuned with multiple notes 


Sound Bath 

Sound bathing is a simple yet profound way to connect with the core of our being and tune our body at a cellular level through the gentleness of its resonance, using healing sounds of Hang, Sansula, Vocal Toning, Celtic Drum, Tibetan Singing Bowls and Rainstick ....
Relax and bathe in the exquisite healing sounds of these instruments and vocal tones, releasing stress and blockages as Anne places the Tibetan Bowl on your body, gently ‘retuning’ and balancing you with her voice ... 

Drift into the magical world of nature as you are showered with the sounds of the Rainstick, Shamanic drum and wind instruments ... leaving you feeling renewed and tingling with vibrant energy.
The only side affect is happiness and harmony!! 

Sacred Sound Training 

I share my discoveries and passion and skills during Sacred Sound Training, 3 weekends over three months, with Yogacampus ... the essence of this training is to demystify sound and empower all who participate to “remember” their innate ability to sing, to play music and to heal with sound and song ... The Heart of Sound volume is upped allowing the Mind to Rest and Turn Off ... Sweet ... 

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