Jen Wilson (Vocal Nectar), Singer, Crystal Sound Alchemist and Voice Empowerment Coach, is honoured to present:
Transformational Sound Therapy, How to Use Sound and The Voice to Heal Your Body, Calm Your Mind and Empower Your Life.
Featuring John Stuart Reid, Sharry Edwards, Chloe Goodchild, Silvia Nakkach, Dr Jeffey Thompson, Richard Merrick, Don Tolman, Mandara Cromwell, Dr Thornton Streeter, Jill Mattson, Susan Hale, Simon Heather, James D'Angelo, Brian Collins, Tobias Kaye, Tareth and many more...
The first online summit of its kind, this unique, colloquium of 21 leading pioneers, researchers and trailblazers in sound and voice therapy, piece together a puzzle that, for thousands of years, had been widely understood.
Across time and continents, through song, dance and prayer, our ancestors communed. They celebrated. They utilised sound and the voice to connect to the Divine, to become fully present and empowered, to transcend, transform and manifest their reality.
Today, we've forgotten our ancient songs and sacred ceremonies. Fuelled by processed food, toxic chemicals, potions, pills, dumbed-down ditties, and empty distractions, we have strayed from the path; our rituals and healing practises, replaced with a segregated, push-button, digitalised, Wifi, 3D reality.
Despite endless promises, our health has never been more compromised. Our happiness, never more challenged. Our earth, never more endangered.
Our emotional and mental states are out of control. Our families and relationships are dysfunctional, our communities are broken. Chasing an unattainable happiness, we, seemingly, lunge from one catastrophic drama to the next.
What if there was a better way? A simple, natural way to reclaim well-being and self-empowerment, enabling a fulfilled, joyful and peaceful life, aligned with our deepest truth. Weaving ancient practises, with modern science and technologies, our expert speakers share deep knowledge of our ancestors wisdom, who mapped the stars, built geometrical, resonant temples and stone circles, aligned with the Earth and the Cosmos, where their sounds and voices facilitated self-healing and thriving communities.
Mirroring macrocosm to microcosm, discover how reconnecting with our Divine Source and reclaiming our unsung song, can enable the body to retune itself to its optimum vibration. In full presence, in our natural harmonic state, we may, once again, rejoin the heavenly choir of life.
There is only one piece of the puzzle missing, that will make things whole again…
That piece is you! Stay tuned for the summit of YOUR life..Live on May 1st 2018