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from: Lyz Cooper

The Effect of Sound on Consciousness - An invitation to take part in research - Closing Date 20th December

I am researching the effect of Sound on consciousness for an MSc in Applied Music Psychology at Roehampton University and would be grateful for your urgent assistance.  I have chosen to extend the deadline for the research because the more respondents we have, the more weight the research holds.

Together we can make a difference in the sound therapy community by understanding more about how sound affects consciousness and as a result, the potential therapeutic application of sound within the mainstream.

If you would like to take part you will need a set of headphones and approx 45 minutes of uninterrupted time.

Please click on the first link and listen to the soundfile.  This ends after 26 minutes with silence and three chimes.  Please click off at this point and click onto the next link which will take you to a questionnaire which should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

The data is confidential - I cannot see who has responded - only the country in which you are based.  

Thank you once again for your support.  If you need to contact me about the research or want to discuss your experience further please contact me at [email protected]

I will report back at the end of the project to let you know how it went.

Links below - 

Soundfile link -

Questionnaire link -

Best wishes and thanks once again
Lyz Cooper

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