The Chiron Institute, `The Chiron`, was the vision of John and June Shapter. As many people find, collecting and playing gongs had become an obsession and they had been seeking a permanent home for their collection of instruments as well as for their practice of Healing Sounds and Peace Studies. They spent days and days travelling to look at places to rent or buy including church halls, dance centres, village halls, industrial units and even an abandoned college. After six months of disappointment the old library in Stoke on Trent became available for lease and in December 2015 The Chiron became a reality. This is an iconic building with gong-shaped windows built in 1875 and the main hall of over 1000 sq ft is now the Sound Chamber in which over forty gongs, and other instruments, create an amazing acoustic and vibratory experience.
To add to the magic of the place, two ley lines have been independently dowsed, crossing in the centre of the main space. The original vision was to bring sound and vibratory healing to a local community many of whom would not even have heard of this strange and weird modality. There are now sound events at least five days a week accessible to local people and with a growing attendance. Over the last fifteen months the Institute has hosted over 600 gong baths. There are also sessions of Yoga, Kirtan, drumming and meditation taking place in a second space which is available to hire.
The gong and sound sessions have developed as time has passed. There is a unique blend of guided visualisation and vibratory experience, with many sessions having a focus rather than being just a generic `gong bath`. The ethos at The Chiron is deeply embedded in sound as a spiritual experience and with a sacred element to much of the work.
In addition, the vision included making this a centre of excellence for people seeking training and Continued Professional Development in sound healing, sound journeying and holistic studies. There is now an annual cycle of workshops and masterclasses with international experts. In 2016, masterclasses were held with teachers including Jens Zygar and Don Conreaux. Teaching weekends have included Sarah Gregg and Patricia Kerins. There are one day and half day workshops facilitated by John and June.
The Chiron is beginning a programme of research with it`s first study almost complete. There was also a collaboration with a student at Keele University on her project entitled `How Sound Heals`. There is a huge gap in the evidence base for using sound, compared to other healthcare interventions, and the aim is to play at least a small part in filling this void.
John was a main-stream clinician who also has an understanding and experience of Holistic Care and Shamanic journeying. Over many years June has trained in Tuning Fork Therapy, Reiki, EFT, Theta Healing and relaxation techniques. She has used her skills with individuals, in a children`s hospice and drug treatment and recovery settings. She is also a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist and trained counsellor, which is invaluable in working with people in the practise of Healing Sounds.
John and June`s training in `sound` includes time with Don Conreaux, Aidan McIntyre, Mitch Nur and Jens Zygar.