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Chloë Goodchild
Category: Voicework

The Singing Fields of London: A One Year Choral Training - Spring 2011-2012

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

Visualise the following: A unique meeting place, a sanctuary of stillness, sound & song in the heart of London. Everyone welcome. A group of people responding to the call for oneness and conscious evolution on the planet. You will not only find your authentic voice here, but you will listen, be heard and express yourself in ways you never imagined possible. You will meet others like you who want to build a field of deep listening and intention through the transforming power of voice and sound together. You will learn vocal practices, communication tools, team-building songs, and leadership skills that support the creation of caring relationships, and a cohesive community rooted in positive 'sound values' for living.

The Singing Fields of London Training is dedicated to the transforming power of voice and song as an essential basis for everyday community life, from the personal to the international scene. The Choral Training will take place at The Study Society, Colet House (home of the whirling dervishes) in central London. We will meet monthly throughout the year except for August and January. Chloe and her Core Team will facilitate 7 weekends, alternating with the remaining four 1-day Weekends which will be facilitated by the Naked Voice Facilitator Graduates.
The total cost for the One Year Choral Training is £900 (£600 concessions). Judging by what happened with the One Year Irish Choral Training, we expect many applications for this new London Choral Training in 2011, so you will be wise to secure your place as soon as you can by booking online with a non-refundable deposit of £100/£50 (conc).

NB Concessionary price is granted on receipt of a student, or an unemployment certificate/letter or pensioner status letter.

The Singing Fields of London Choral Training Venue: The Study Society, Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA

For more details, payment options and dates for the London Choral Training download a PDF by clicking here. For further enquiries about the booking and installments process, contact Tim Chalice at [email protected] or tel 0117 927 7020.

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