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Joy Hicklin-Bailey

What are the Benefits of LomiLomi

What are the Benefits of LomiLomi - the Hawaiian shamanic ritual and deep massage?

‘Lomilomi is a profound rite of passage, an initiation. It is a spiritual healing which leads to physical and emotional healing. Deep, flowing, luxurious Lomi cleanses the body and allows increased light to enter the bones, organs and tissues. In Lohe lima, we sense elemental imbalances, soreness, held energy and any trauma in the body. Lomi is prayer, poetry in motion. The heart allows the flow of unconditional love. Lomi is life loving life. Grace heals through us. It is the aloha, the love, that heals, not technique. And every benefit the receiver gains is always given back to the giver. The more lomi we receive, the looser and more open the body and being. Moreover, each initiation we undergo can carry a deep intention for our lives. Huna and Lomi, the teachings of ancient Hawaii, are a direct path to revealing the Truth of life, the essence of the love that we are, the aloha in all manifestation. You are all that is, the source and appearance of all that rises and falls in awareness, nothing else is ever happening. The Kahuna knows that life’s dream is the expression of wholeness, not a search for it. What is, is perfection. A paradox that runs through all my work and my life!’ Joy Hicklin-Bailey

The leaders and kings of ancient Hawaii received many massages over many days as a rite of passage, before taking up their worldly roles.

 Lomi can bring very significant shifts in your life experience, allowing you freedom from old patterns of limitation and more of the natural happiness and freedom of being. We work with the physical, emotional and energetic levels of being to encourage through loving, vibrant touch, the wholeness that is your birthright. The aloha of our circle, the unconditional love and acceptance of all that you are, invites a deep let-go on physical, emotional and energetic levels. Our long, flowing, endless infinity movements with their oceanic rhythm  embrace and nurture you and allow a cellular realisation of oneness and the wonder of aliveness.

Lomilomi massage, accompanied by Hawaiian sacred chant, is an opportunity for all who wish to invite more of the intimacy and healing of touch into their lives, a way of creating sacred ground within and without. Hawaiian Kahi Loa and Lomilomi Nui healing touch is gentle and profound and gorgeous. These were used in ancient healing initiations to fully integrate physical and spiritual energy and promote the free flow of life energy and joyous fulfilment. This energetic healing and deep tissue massage quiets the mind, cleanses the emotional body, opens energy channels and can release toxins and relieve many old layers of tension, pain and conditioning in the physical body can be combined with powerful yet simple Huna rituals, shamanic journeys and profound meditations,. A deeper realization that all is one and that there is no separation can result.

              ·      Cleanses and detoxifies enhancing all homeostatic systems and organs of the body

·         Invites deep relaxation of body and mind

·         Opens muscles and joints

·         Encourages harmony, a sense of well being and balance

·         Increases awareness of the pleasure of being in a body 

·         Energises and revitalises life force

·         Enhances circulation, improving skin and hair and muscle tone and improves posture

·         Induces inner calm and clarity, new direction and insight 

·         Builds confidence, vitality and self-esteem

·         Opens you to deep levels of accepting who you are and what you can contribute to life

·         Enhances self knowledge and brings focus and alignment

·         Your unconscious brings into the light what needs healing in yoiur spiralling journey into total freedom of being

·         Encourages abundance as you tune in more and more to your nature and that of this planet

·         Inspires self-love so that you shine!

·      There may be openings to, realisations of the deepest levels of Truth

‘Just wanted to say a big Mahalo for the wondeful Lomi Lomi Workshop. Your facilitation and gentle approach made me feel very safe, and held in what was altogether a very nurturing space. Thanks you so much. I felt a real cleansing and shedding of emotions -Loved it and want lots more!! Would like a longer course next time cos Im wanting to learn more!’ Anna Donaldson,Edinburgh

'you are a bumble bee of the spirit, pollinating many hearts with aloha!' Katie at Hawkwood College 

For everyone who wishes to create sacred space to work shamanically on issues and visions of your choice and explore lomi deeply, I urge you to join the lomilomi retreat Thurs July 21 2pm-Sun 24 4pm -book your place now Waves of Aloha - Touching Presence Sacred Hawaiian LomiLomi Massage - Come experience a nourishing retreat and the delicious openings that 4 days of profound massage in a powerful energetic field can give you


 You will receive several luxurious and deeply transformative massages during this retreat. You will benefit from the healing power of aloha in many ways, on all levels, physical, emotional and spiritual, when giving and receiving lomi

Experienced professional masseurs who wish to reconnect with the spirit and power of lomi and aloha and those new to healing practices and massage are totally able to work well together as the learning of lomi is an osmotic and energetic process. The field gives everyone exactly what they need. The novice and expert are one once the shamanic portals are opened.

This is an experiential retreat (with some background principles, diagrams and handouts) that can bring deep self - healing through forgiveness work and shamanic journeying and will certainly give you some insights, shifts and new approaches you can take away and benefit from in your everyday life afterwards. These groups are also a joyful opportunity to meet like minded people.

Powerful transformational healing, belly laughter, tribal heart bonding. Live your authentic being, your natural aliveness, your truth, your love

Not only an early booking discount - you also receive a great discount for 2 people -book your place now! [email protected]


£269 if booked by May 29, £299 if booked by June 9, £317 after that

Price includes course tuition, morning coffee and afternoon tea, please bring lunch to share Full details sent with confirmation on receipt of booking

Call Joy on 01452 813241 or 07866 470238 [email protected]


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