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recent soundings

it has been a busy summer for me touring festivals, playing and giving workshops. i love these opportunities to share beautiful music with many diverse people.
in addition to this i am involved in a variety of diverse recording projects at the moment. these range from recording a series of shamanic albums to working with a break dancer on a very youth orientated cd.
i am also happy to report my big commercial album project with andy blissett (bliss)- and sudha (a wonderful mantra singer )is finally finished!it has been two years in the making and rich in its style and orchestrations. we are anticipating the songs and music on the album providing a wonderful crossover opportunity for a much wider public exposure to sound that provides a clear intention of beauty and healing. the cd will be called "this sacred love" -and already there is a considerable ammount of interest from some big record labels as well as film companies wanting to use the music. all these activities are being filmed for a documentary -and that in itself has been a lot of fun, although i am hoping it doesnt look too much like a new age spinal tap!
listening wise, i continue to be inspired by the fantastic classical concerts i have managed to experience. these range from hearing mahlers great music at every opportunity to being wowed by the bolshoi ballet at covent garden. i always feel we are so lucky to have music as a "friend", and it is constantly my desire to assist others in finding this nurturing of the ears and heart.
my wheater sound academy diploma workshops have had a terrific input of students this year, and as a result due to demand i am giving a series of one day workshops in my home town of haslemere.
these start on saturday september 25 -where i will be exploring the link between sound, movement and phychic intuition.
i look forward to seeing and hearing some of you there.
the next month october 23rd i will be giving a workshop/masterclass on the native american flute, so if any of you have an interest in this evocative instrument, please feel free to contact me via [email protected]
thank you all, and of course.........happy listening! x

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