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A Welcome to this germinating seed called SAMA

Hi everyone - this is Andrew Hodges writing a very warm welcome to the birth of the Sound and Music Alliance. I think there are moments, aren't there, when the time is just right and I feel I can say that with absolute certainty THIS IS IT. From within ourselves, this disparate community of individual practitioners, musicians, facilitators, healers, and media professionals who just love this Field of Sound, we have been crying out for just such a 'Chalice' to materialise and offer to hold our world. From outside of ourselves, the world is heaving under the strain of excess and tired with over-use and it's certainly letting us know. The world needs SAMA. The SAMA message is NOW. We have a significant and meaningful opportunity to form and take shape as allies in related professions to offer forwards to the world at large the meaningful power of transformative sound and music. For those of us lucky enough to be at Wisdom House, Litchield, CT I implore you to go forwards and fulfill your commitment to action and get the message out about the beauty that has taken shape here and is now capable of becoming manifest. Follow SAMA here by just registering here and then adding your comments below.

17 Aug 2011

Great Andrew and all sound enthousiasts. I just met Christina Tourin at the Harptherapyfestival where I was a presenter: subtle communication with sounds, even there where contact seems impossible. In the Netherlands I am part of a group, working on the meaning of sound in situations where there is a calamity, a disaster. How to take care for the dying people, how to take care for the rescuer in the field of disaster. With sounds of voice and subtle instruments. I think this is needed in a rapidly changing world. I am giving Masterclasses in my company Soundfulness. People also can meet us via helendeklanken ( healing sounds). Nice to meet travelling sounds. Warmness, Kees

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