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New Book by Michele Averard 
13 Steps to Free your Healing Voice with CD of exercises, is now available in English as a download! It was published recently as a physical book in Spanish, and is being snapped up avidly! This extremely practical and down-to-earth book has 13 steps or chapters, each one with practical exercises. It is designed to help one find one''s authentic voice, free it, and then use it for self-healing and the healing of others. No musical knowledge is required! Nestor Kornblum, Michele''s husband and author of Overtone Chant-the Practical Guide has also contributed the introduction, as well as a chapter on Overtone Singing. The download (PDF + MP3 Tracks of the CD) is available on our website This book is designed to free your Healing Voice in 13 steps in order to clean and release attitudes that no longer serve you, and to heal conditioning that has limited your ability to experience yourself as the Miracle of Life you truly are. Our voice is the expression of who we are. It is the source of communication and the vehicle for transmitting our beliefs, our needs and our desires. It is what brings into form and coherence our emotions. Contained within our voice are our innermost secrets and intimate thoughts... Michele Averard

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