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Sound and Body Acoustic Intelligence (SABAI)

Sound and Body Acoustic Intelligence using Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is a simple system I have developed using Tuning Forks to potentially relieve pain in individuals. The pain can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

In general Sound Therapy is the therapeutic use of anything that connects sound frequencies and vibrations to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of optimum health and well-being. It goes back thousands of years as a healing modality. It can be your own voice, drums, gongs, rattles,Tibetan bowls, didgeridoos, music, literally anything, there is a long list oftherapeutic sound tools. However, I focused on Tuning Fork Sound Therapy as the therapeutic tool in this instance,as I have seen and felt first-hand the benefits and it is what I teach.

When I was nursing for the NHS one of the biggest parts of the work was managing pain. This was usuallydone with strong analgesia, including opioids which can become habit forming. Many times patients were told they would have to live with their pain.

Unresolved pain costs the NHS £442 million pounds a year in pain relief prescriptions alone. Then consider the expense of test after tests of patients, the amount of pharmaceutical interventions and the cost this involves, not to mention operations that do not find a cause of pain.

At the moment, according to NHS Choices, there are 300 pain clinics and they also offer Pain management programmes where they offer a series of sessions, for groups of 6-8 people, aimed at teaching people how to live with their pain. Instead of treating your pain, you learn to cope with it and, research shows, can expect to enjoy a better quality of life, sleep and mobility afterwards.

What if there was another way?

According to the Actions for End of Life Care 2014-2016 patients at home had 53% unresolved pain relief at the end stages of their life. I used to do Palliative Care and End of Life Nursing and I have seen this unresolved pain so many times, until the correct pain regime could be found, if indeed it did. What if there was another way for this too? ...

if you want to know more

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