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The Magical Resonance between Sound Healing & Nature.

"The secret of intention is also in our ability to communicate with Nature with a deeply relaxed body, with the breath full and total. Then we are able to sing songs that come naturally from the deepest part of ourselves and, through them, we can connect with subtle vibrations present in the Universe. This naturally opens our heart to express itself through sacred sounds." — (excerpt from 'Shaman's Wisdom' by Tony Samara)

There is something extremely special about our relationship with a piece of land and sound can provide the magic to really deepen this connection.

Joseph Rael speaks of this total interrelationship in the section on 'Language of the Land' in his book 'Sound'. He refers to land as the Vast Self and at age 6 moved from his Grandmother's homeland and was taught the new language of his father's people. “I was taught Tiwa, because it was the power of language for that place - for the Picuris Pueblo. The Tiwa language is the energy that radiates in that geography. I was eating from that resonance, sleeping it, so I needed to speak it. Tiwa was the vibration of that geography, which extended for 20 or 30 miles.”

At Primrose Centre we follow the permaculture principle to respect Nature as our teacher.  Many of the sacred sound practices of indigenous peoples developed from and within, their very harmonious relationship with nature. The Australian aborigines believed that their sacred song lines formed a crucial part of the creation story and have been instrumental in helping to maintain the physical vibration of the Earth in its material form. There are Tuvan throat singers that whistle the landscape and sing the mountain streams.    


Sound Healing with Nature at Primrose Earth Centre 


Where the land touches the soul and the the soul sings its way home


We run a summer residential retreat weekend on Sound Healing in Nature and we also run Seasonal Sounds days in Spring and Autumn. Sound can take us into a very deep space in which we can connect with nature's true healing potential. Primrose Centre is perfect for this with many beautiful natural gardens including the peace garden, sacred grove, willow labyrinth and sacred geometry space, in addition to the ecological natural food gardens. Also the Sound Peace Chamber is dug into the ground and so it can feel like being in the womb of Mother Earth. The Seasonal Sounds days incorporate many interesting sound practices, movement and fun to help us connect with the energy of the season and learn from nature's processes at that time and how we might live our lives closer to the rhythm of the natural energy cycles. We also work with the appropriate seasonal Celtic element.

The residential retreat 13th-15th July 2012 provides the space for the magical combination of sound healing and nature to resonate with our inner being on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Nature is a perfect place for emotional release, since the earth and other natural life will generously absorb and transform negative energy. Also there is a powerhouse of universal energy out there ready to be invited in.

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