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Event Details

Chris James

Posted:Chris James

, One Day Joy-Full Voice Workshop, Chris James, Venue - to be announced, Stanthorpe, QLD, Australia, 30 Oct 2011

Chris James teaches internationally about the healing power of sound,song, voice and meditation.“Everyone is born with a beautiful voice”. Through discovering our natural voice, we learn to trust our creativity and intuition,speak our truth...and be heard. A ONE DAY JOY-FULL VOICE WORKSHOP Everyone is born with a beautiful voice! Joyfully explore your voice.Discover that everyone can naturally express with a voice that is beautiful,unique and a true expression of themselves. Deepen your connection between singing,listening,stillness,and healing sound as you develop the quality of your natural voice. Develop self-empowering listening and speaking skills. The gentle inner resonance and strength that you develop will revolutionise your approach to singing and speaking. A day that is fun,healing,and can inspire the way you speak,listen,sing and live. EVERYONE WELCOME No experience of singing or music required. Musicians,Singers,Healing Practitioners, Artists,Teachers, fact, Everyone will be inspired

One Day Joy-Full Voice Workshop

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