, One Day Joy-Full Voice Workshop, Chris James, Venue - to be announced, Stanthorpe, QLD, Australia, 30 Oct 2011
Chris James teaches internationally about the healing power of sound,song, voice and meditation.“Everyone is born with a beautiful voice”. Through discovering our natural voice, we learn to trust our creativity and intuition,speak our truth...and be heard. A ONE DAY JOY-FULL VOICE WORKSHOP Everyone is born with a beautiful voice! Joyfully explore your voice.Discover that everyone can naturally express with a voice that is beautiful,unique and a true expression of themselves. Deepen your connection between singing,listening,stillness,and healing sound as you develop the quality of your natural voice. Develop self-empowering listening and speaking skills. The gentle inner resonance and strength that you develop will revolutionise your approach to singing and speaking. A day that is fun,healing,and can inspire the way you speak,listen,sing and live. EVERYONE WELCOME No experience of singing or music required. Musicians,Singers,Healing Practitioners, Artists,Teachers,Carpenters....in fact, Everyone will be inspired