, * Healing Power of Sound - Advanced Course (Level 2 & 3), Chris James, The Lighthouse, Tytherington, Frome, Somerset, United Kingdom, 17 Sep 2011
Chris James teaches internationally about the healing power of sound, song, voice and stillness. As we discover our natural voice, we learn to trust our creativity and intuition, speak our truth and be heard. Healing Power of Sound advanced course... a five day retreat Truly,“ Expression is Everything”and now we have the opportunity to go deeper within,to be who we truly are,to open our wings and speak,sing and experience the joy of living and being in harmony together. How we express ourselves,and what we express is magnified profoundly within us. Expand your awareness of your expression in to everything you do. Included are Grace-Full Instrument sessions for the voice and musical instruments. As you re-develop your connection in grace and gentleness, old mental structures which you have held dissolve, allowing the freedom and joy of expressing play-fully from the fire of the inner-heart. One of the lovely aspects of co-creating together is its equalness, and intuitiveness, which combined with our understanding of gentleness and sound, brings a true oneness. This course replaces Healing Power of Sound Levels 2 and Level 3. “Expression is everything “ - Serge Benhayon
- Category :
Sound Healing
- Start Date :
- End Date :
- Facilitator :
Chris James
- Time :
- Address :
The Lighthouse, Tytherington, Frome, Somerset, United Kingdom
- Contact Name :
- Contact Email :
- Contact Phone :
+44 (0)7702 625 835
- Pricing Details :
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