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Lyz Cooper

Sonic Boom Breaks Sound Barrier!

Thank you to all those who joined the team at The British Academy of Sound Therapy for our Sonic Boom event. The aim was three-fold. 1, to have fun, 2 - to share our work and 3 - to celebrate our 10th Birthday. The day was packed with talks and workshops, there was a chill out room where lovely soundbaths could be experienced and a retail therapy area where a wonderful range of instruments could be played, experienced and purchased.

The end of the day was very special. Over 50 people gathered with the BAST team in the auditorium to experience a performance of gongs, voice, singing bowls and more, ending with a group grounding session and audience participation which was sublime!

We had such a wonderful time we would love to do it again. Thank you to all who made this day so very special. Keep an eye on this forum for further details or check out my website

Best wishes
Lyz Cooper

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The Sacred Alphabet

I am coming into the final stages of my latest book entitled The Sacred Alphabet. In certain ways it is an offshoot of my book The Healing Power of the Human Voice in which there is a chapter called The Meaning of Vowels and Consonants.

The thrust of this book focuses on the toning of vowels, consonants and seed syllables in relation to the chakras. While there are a few books which takes up this theme, mine has a particularl angle. That is, that the vowels used out of Western tradition and the consonants extracted from the Tantra Yoga seed sounds are often found in words that directly relate to the psychological and elemental nature of the chakra. This hypothesis is largely based on the English language with some reference to German, Sanskrit, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. In the case of the vowels it is either the central one of the word or begins the word. For the consonants it is the opening letter.

For example, the vowel sound I use for the root chakra is UH as in the word

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Are Rats More Intelligent Than Humans?

An experiment on laboratory rats revealed that they have a natural predisposition towards classical music. The experiment consisted in placing two boxes, connected by a tube, playing Bach’s ‘Air on the G string’ in one box, and rock music in the other. Most rats chose to go in the box with Bach’s music, even when the music switched from one box to another.
(from Laurence ODonnell - Music and the Brain).
In a study carried out at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Department of Psychology rats were exposed in utero plus 60 days post-partum to one of the following types of music : –
1. Mozart Piano Sonata in D major (K.448)
2. A Philip Glass composition
3. White noise or Silence
They were then tested for five days, three trials per day, in a multiple T-maze. By day three, the rats exposed to the Mozart music completed the maze more rapidly and with fewer errors than the rats in the other groups. The difference increased in magnitude by day five This suggests that repeated exp

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Vuvuzelas and B flat

For the three weeks of the World Cup the whole world has been subjected to the sound of these horns.

The vuvuzela is a 65 cm (2.13 ft) plastic blowing horn that produces a loud, distinctive monotone note, typically around B flat (the B flat below middle C).

B flat is often associated with blues music. I am wondering what effect this sound has had on us all. Have we all had the World Cup Blues!

According to the University of California phone lines buzz in the note of F. Toilets flush in E-flat. And fluorescent lights hum at 60 hertz a B-flat!

Apparently people with perfect pitch get distracted when the fluorescent light above their heads starts vibrating somewhere between B and B-flat.

In Europe the frequency of the alternating current is 50 Hz (close to the note G). In America the frequency of the alternating current is 60 Hz (close to the note B flat).

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Easy-Access Musical Instruments

I am writing a piece about easy-access musical instruments and would welcome your input. Over the last decade a range of new instruments and innovations on existing instruments have appeared which sound great and can be enjoyed immediately. This is an exciting time as it offers more people simple ways to get in touch with their creativity, especially those who have felt excluded from the musical world.
As founder of Music Another Way and co-developer of the M1 Shruti Box I am looking at what other instruments fall into this category and why. There are a number of questions that I wish to explore e.g., Can the instrument be played pretty much immediately and/or with the minimum amount of tuition? What are the possibilities for expression: does the instrument have enough scope to maintain our interest and support musical development? Can it be used as an accompaniment for the voice? Does it need to be tuned and if so how easy is it to tune? Does the sound inspire you to make music?.

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Tim Wheater

Silence and Listening

continuing with the subject of listening i wanted to write mentioning the importance of silence.
it is from silence that sound eminates and silence also has the capability to develop stillness within us.
also silence after a sound healing session is the time when all the sonic energy created with loving intent integrates itself.
i devour silence when it presents itself like a succulent fruit, and it is in these rarified moments that much of my musical inspiration pours forth.
i also had the good fortune to witness a wondeful concert featuring an orchestra playing scheherazade the other evening. both players and listeners were entranced in bliss, and as the music finished we all held a spellbound silence that magnified the magnificence we had all just experienced! followed i must tell you by joyous applause.
on a practical note, my own sound healing courses now have dates and venues for this year. they will represent an opportunity for people (no previous experience necessary)to tr

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Intuitive Music

The scenario: an open and supportive space where we are able to relax any notions of musical ability or playing right or wrong notes. We find ourselves engaged in a process of not doing anything except giving our undivided attention to the timbres, resonances, overtones and rhythms which arise from the simple instruments around us as they are struck, plucked, bowed and sung into life. It may feel exhilarating, beautiful and even uncomfortable all at the same time. However, without any need to prove anything and immersed in this continuously flowing, energetic field of sound we soon realise that there is nothing to lose and begin to contribute our own sounds without fear of judgement. The more we relax and listen, the more we hear. The more we hear the more sensitive we become in our expression and musical dialogue with others. Suddenly, from out of silence and without pre-planning we are creating interesting fresh music with shape and intensity, space and subtlety. Unscripted music whi

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Tobias Kaye

The Hole of Mankind

There’s a whole in my Heart
Burning like fire
The Whole behind the Alter
Takes my Song ever higher.

This hole through my purpose
Links to the hole within you
Seeking to widen
The flow of the whole.

When I open this hole
And allow in the fire
My heart becomes open
To the hole within you.

The warmth of the burning
Holds wide my hole
Thus I worship my whole
The Hole of mankind,
The Whole of Mankind.

When I push through my hole
The hole that’s my whole
I can widen this hole
For the whole of mankind

This whole human Self
The hole in my heart
Is the One Human Self
For the Whole of Mankind.

I, custodian of my
One human hole
Can open my heart
To the hole in mankind

When I open my hole
I see all of Mankind
The whole of the hole
Is the hole in Your heart.

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Lyz Cooper

Join in BAST's 'Sonic' Boom - Saturday, June 5th

BAST is celebrating 10 years with a sonic extravaganza! Sonic Boom will be held at the Bognor Campus of the University of Chichester on Saturday June 5th. Lyz Cooper will be joined by the tutors of BAST to present many elements of sound therapy for all to enjoy. Throughout the day there will be talks and demonstrations on Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, drums, gongs and voice. Our professional training courses will be presented and there will be a wonderful array of instruments on sale. At the end of the day there will be a sonic extravaganza with an amazing sound bath filled with wonderful sound, finishing with a sonic boom! (all will be revealed!). Participants will receive a goodie bag worth over £20.00 Tickets in advance only £30.00 single £50.00 couple.

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Lyz Cooper

ICNM nominates British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) as a winner

Here is an excerpt from the press release from the ICNM.
The Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM) has named the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) as a winner in its inaugural Complementary Medicine Awards.

BAST won Best Complementary Medicine Company category, the first Award of its kind to be given in complementary medicine.

Practitioners supporting BASTs nomination describe how the Academy is working to promote the effects of sound therapy worldwide as well as uniting the different professional bodies involved in sound therapy in this country in order to raise training and practice standards.

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Tim Wheater


our ears start listening at day 45 in our mothers womb - indeed the ear even somewhat looks like an embryo !
what a great gift we have with this precious sense. and as i suggested last time - what a blessing it is when the ear has such a profound connection to the heart. please look one more time at the spelling of heart - there contained within, is the precious word- ear!
my own listening these past few weeks has been a great joy. i have the good fortune to live close to london and thus am able to attend concerts in the royal festival hall.mahlers 2nd symphony was on the menu one night -and i listened in awe to this achingly beautiful piece of music. it seemed to resonate for days afterwards within my body and consciousness. i was still hearing it on a cellular level when i took a magical walk in woods close to my home. it was raining that day, with a wind in the trees. there was no other sound but the occassional flurry of branches being moved by this force of nature, and the stead

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Tobias Kaye

Chance to be Seen

Sounding Bowls are in with a chance to win a major Art and Design prize.

The main importance of Sounding Bowls lies in people, how hearts can be touched and opened by people meeting with Sounding Bowls, playing them, hearing them.

It seems that some of the way in which people are effected by them is through the beauty of their looks. Honestly, it is not uncommon to see tears run down when someone first sees a Sounding Bowl. The tone is of course more deeply affective but in the context of this design prize the looks could be the winner.

Craft and Design mag has chosen to feature Sounding Bowls on the cover of their March-April issue. There is also an excellent article inside.

The website, is running a competition for a voted award. Please support Sounding Bowls:

If you think Sounding Bowls should win a craft and design award then please go to and scroll down to the p

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Tim Wheater


greetings fellow sound lovers.............a short introductory message from me this winters day.
i want to explore aspects of listening - including the way i have even mis-heard so many instructions as to how to gain access to this site and write to you here.!!!
but seriously - the word \\\ear\\\ turns to \\\hear\\\. and hear turns into \\\heart\\\ - and this is indeed the physical sequence that occurs when we listen!
that listening is an art - many of us know, but that fact is also something many of us seem to forget sometimes -
so good luck all of you with this vital practise - happy listening! x

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Discover Your Sound – Your Music – Your Way
NEW Foundation course April – October 2010
at Hawkwood College, near Stroud
with Stefan Cartwright & special guests

Stefan’s new year-long programme has grown from a 6-year association with Hawkwood College, whose relaxed, welcoming atmosphere and beautiful surroundings provide the perfect place to explore our inner world and our creativity.
MUSIC ANOTHER WAY starts in April 2010 and offers an exploration of our innate music and how we can use sound and music to bring harmony to our lives and communities. The course removes the barriers to musical understanding and frees people up to enjoy making sound using their voices and the simple instruments provided. There is no need to read music or to have any prior musical knowledge or training: the basis of this exploration is listening.

Music Another Way is for anyone who wants to participate in music, or anyone who has trained in music yet feels they are missing something vital. It i

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Lyz Cooper

Resonance, Resistance and Sound Healing - By Lyz Cooper

\\\Do you want to change the world? How about beginning with yourself? How about being transformed yourself first? But how do you achieve that? Through observation. Through understanding. With no interference or judgment on your part. Because what you judge you cannot understand.

When you say of someone, “He’s a communist,” understanding has stopped at that moment. You slapped a label on him. “She’s a capitalist.” Understanding has stopped at that moment. You slapped a label on her, and if the label carries undertones of approval or disapproval, so much the worse! How are you going to understand what you disapprove of, or what you approve of, for that matter? All of this sounds like a new world, doesn’t it? No judgment, no commentary, no attitude: one simply observes, one studies, one watches, without the desire to change what is. Because if you desire to change what is into what you think should be, you no longer understand.\\\
Anthony de Mello, page 20

Chris James\\\s artic

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Tobias Kaye

remarkable results for Sounding Healing, msg from Eastern Europe

HI All

I get regular feedback from users of my Sounding Bowls across the world.

This morning when I received this message I thought you really would like to read it.
Though it does not directly relate to Sounding Bowls the effects of music and sound healing in this instance is quite remarkable, especially as the client was not even aware they were to receive some Sound Healing.
The account I received this morning begins with Bob Hill and his wife Betty on holiday near Transylvania
They were driving in a rental car along a rather quiet and twisty forest road. It was late and raining very hard. Bob could barely see the road in front of the car. Suddenly the car skids out of control! Bob attempts to control the car, but to no avail! The car swerves and smashes into a tree.
Moments later, Bob shakes his head to clear the fog. Dazed, he looks over at the passenger seat and sees his wife unconscious... With her head bleeding!
Despite the rain and unfamiliar countryside, Bob kno

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LIVING SOUND : Music Practice

Weary of the news? No time for what you really care about? Fed-up with opinions from others on subjects such as: (a) How to prevent the planet from going down the plug-hole (b) How to achieve enlightenment by staring at a wall (c) What type of chocolate to spend your hard earned money on?

Here’s a simple practice that I enjoy and find useful, particularly at the start of the day. Allow yourself twenty minutes for this playful sound meditation and note how you feel before and after the session. First though, a short elucidation by Rumi, taken from his poem Spring Giddiness (interpreted by Coleman Barks). Perhaps some of the pressures of life back in 13th century Persia were not so different from today.

‘Today, like every other day, we wake up empty&#8232 and frightened. Dont open the door to the study&#8232 and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.&#8232 Let the beauty we love be what we do.&#8232 There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground’.

and skipping

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Lyz Cooper

Singing Improves Your Health

There was a vey interesting piece on the BBC \\\One Show\\\ last night. A very simple cortisol test was done on a group of choral singers before and after a short singing session. This showed that the cortisol levels were reduced 5 times faster than they would be during a normal day. Professor Angela Chao of the University of Westminster was extremely impressed by this. To see the piece check out

Isn\\\t it wonderful. When the mainstrem starts catching on to the importance of using sound therapeutically it can only help to enhance our work further.

But of course we knew this - didn\\\t we :-)

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Jill Purce

Jill Purce- Singing back the Sun

As a child the thing I loved most about Christmas was singing Carols . One of the reasons I pioneered the voice healing movement in the West nearly forty years ago was because I felt our society had gone silent, and that it was essential, if we were to be healthy, to get people using their voices again by singing and chanting. The one form of singing that has remained against all odds, and which seems more robust than any other, is carol singing. I can only think, since Christmas is the Christianized celebration of the winter solstice, that we unconsciously realize, the only way we can make sure the light is born again within the heart of darkness, is to sing it back- nothing else is so effective. Otherwise why would singing at the mid winter festival be the only time we still recognize the need? Clearly, even though we don\\\t know it, as in ancient Polish and Finnish folk epics, we feel personally responsible for \\\Singing back the Sun\\\.

I have always described my vocatio

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